what do you think/do when you ding your yoyo?


It just went from mint to near mint
It just went from near mint to small pinprick
It just went from small pinprick to used
It just went from used to beat
It just went from beat down the sidewalk
It just went from the sidewalk to my yoyo burial grounds

Life story of my YYF Lunatic.

little update i put what do you think/DO when you ding your yoyos so now you can start posting for that.

“Now it’s officially mine”
Even though I only take out my Yuuksta and Protostar outside carpet because those are my outside throws :smiley:

well… I slammed my yoyo into a wall earlier today and immediatly shouted a word i shouldnt have in front of a guest… turns out the wall was more damaged then my yoyo, but still, I dont think its something ill ever get used to

i say Ouch that hurt a lot, and then get over it and keep playing.

well, I scream, bind, hug my yoyo, and collapse onto the ground moaning and whimpering, and roll around.
No joke. Ask mcsquare4817. I know him in real life.

…i kind of want to laugh but then again i dont

Aaaa…Yoyoers think? Hmmm…I’ll have to give that a try sometime! I’m always up for something new :P.

Second: “Man, now it’s not worth as much.” :’(
Third: “You’re so ugly yoyo! Go jump off a cliff! Now I have to buy ANOTHER one!” :frowning:
Fourth: “Wait… Now I can throw this in public without worrying…” :slight_smile:

Just thought I’d show my thought process to the world…



its kind of like getting that first bit of mud on your new shoes. you try to cover it up at first, but it will just keep happening so so you get over it

sometimes i smell my yoyo because the ano burns and i can locate the damage.

I put the yoyo on my nose and inhale deeply. Kinda gives me a little high.

I scream inarticulately, grab a knife and commit seppuku.

Actually, I just scowl at the ding if its bad and is on one of my expensive metals, get annoyed for a few minutes, then keep yoyoing.

This rarely happens, like ever, cause I use them over rug. :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny story, I’m like obsessive compulsive with my Chief and keeping it from getting dinged, and when I looked at it the other day, it had a random ding I had no idea was there there. It wasn’t bad, it showed a little silver, but it was funny how I don’t even remember it happening. That was why I kinda didn’t care about the ding. I was so amused at how I didn’t even remember getting it. It’s kinda like someone afraid of monkeys having one on their head without noticing. When you notice it, it’s so ridiculous you laugh.

This CODE1 got a new ding today. :-[


Don’t know if you remember me from NER, but I hate you and that CODE 1.

Didn’t I roll it at you a few times? :smiley: