What do you hope is in the Mystery Bag?

etheir a g funk, mvp 2, supernova and catacyst. also with a proto star,pop star or die-nasy with string. bearings or flowable silicone

ahaha thatā€™s true!!!

A unicorn. Would be nice.

But seriously, its probably one moderately priced jojo and a bunch of accessories.

Gonna go a bit rogue here and say a cure for cancer.

Iā€™m seeing your posts everywhere all of a sudden.

I approve.

Iā€™m at my parentā€™s house on holiday.

I didnā€™t bring any books, yoyos, Magic Cards, or anything to keep myself remotely entertained. This is what I do.

Thatā€™s a nice bit of misdirection there, but Iā€™m out to spoil the surprise. I have it on good authority, really good authority, that one of the mystery boxes contains Ben McPhee. And, get this, one of the mystery bags contains Q. So much for a unicorn.



They didnā€™t poke any holes in that box so you could get fresh air, did they?

They told me that it wasnā€™t in the contract, so they had no obligation.

No matter, I have wi-fi.

I hope you get opened before Xmas.

That sounds like a combination of a threat and a euphemism.

I think thatā€™s exactly what it was.

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That made me laugh really hard. ā€œI poked some holes in its back so it can breathe.ā€ Classic.

And yes, that was a a threat. Euphemistically speaking, of course.

Thatā€™s the spirit! ;D

Eric Shiptonā€™s 1951 photograph of Qā€™s footprint. And a CLYW for some reason.

I have a feeling that there are going to be Catalysts in either the bag or box. I would assume they want to get rid of the ones with Augieā€™s name on it so they can start getting out the ones without it.

I was talking to Ben, and he said that there are 5 burritos and a taco, with BBQ sauce and chips.

But maybe that talk was just a dream

Just got to the mystery box, got me the ray gun! Woo hoo!!
Oh wait, thought this was black ops.