I hope I’ll get something good lol, I really really hope one yoyo would be iq but chances are very small sooo
I bought 2 “Anything goes! Elite”
On website it shows that for 55$ I will get yoyo at least 70$ worth
I hope I’ll get something good lol, I really really hope one yoyo would be iq but chances are very small sooo
I bought 2 “Anything goes! Elite”
On website it shows that for 55$ I will get yoyo at least 70$ worth
Best of luck on your “prizes!”
I think I wouldn’t advertise it on their competitors website.
Thoughts on the actual boxes - you can get good yo-yos at a cheap price. Mostly likely at a similar price to used because they want to move yo-yos that aren’t selling.
Oh sorry, didn’t want to advertise.
I would love to buy mystery bag from yoyoexpert (and actually I would like it more than from yoyo Sam) but it’s out of stock
Seems more like a discussion than an advertisement to me. It also seems like YYE forums is just the primary place the community is congregating for discussion so talks of other retailers is certain to happen. Just my $0.02
It happens, but it’s YoYoExpert’s house and they clearly discourage it. The names of certain competitors, including the subject of this thread when written as a single word, are auto-filtered by the forum software.
Yeah it’s been an ongoing thing, but they did not provide links or any of that, so I believe this just falls under a discussion/ speculation of OPs forthcoming mail day lol.
Yeah, I just wanted to share how excited I am to open these
Probably the “best” way to show this is to post what you get in the mail day thread.