What did you get in the mail this week (2013-2018)

Your using 2 of the best plastic yoyos of all time. Have fun with your new hobby! Try introducing yourself in the introduce yourself thread as well, we would like to get to know you☺

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Always nice to come home after a long day at work to find a package delivered. Especially one you’ve been anticipating.

Did you buy that used ? Sweet !

Actually, no. A friend showed me a shop that still has them in stock brand new.

Holy shizzle… what a find! Congrats

Thanks. After I posted I went back to check, they sold out now.

Pretty good mail day, two packages one being my first order from Yoyoexpert, a Purple Skyva ;D and another online order with Buddha string.

iyoyo firrox, 1 cloud string thick, twisted strings and yellow monkey snot. Beat day!

Lol still waiting on my kayak

A kayak would be nice. I’ve never owned or played a clyw. One of theirs might be my next throw.

I should’ve gotten a clyw in the past- I tried someone’s chief at Yoyotoronto 2 years ago and really wanted one

Nice! Does anyone know the difference between the version 1 and version 2 of the firrox? And which version Brandon vu does the unboxing of?

Pretty sure he was unboxing vs 2. All I can tell is in vs 2 the grove is further away from the steel rings and vs 1 the grove is right along side the ring. Spec seem to be the same from what I read.

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Ok sweet thx! Do you know why they did this?

I have no idea. Probably to sell more yoyos lol.

Yeah that seems to be a recurring thing for some reason. :thinking: lol

Not in the mail. But this was my haul this weekend at yoyo club. The dv888 is actually for a coworker who is looking to start throwing.

Lucky co-worker

Not in the mail as well, but my sister bought me this when she went to Japan. :slight_smile:

I’m always looking to help local people get into throwing. So if I find a good deal. I pass it along. Share the love of yoyo