What did you get from your "Secret Santa"!

Are me and Cream9000 the only ones who haven’t receiced ours yet? ???

no worries man. I’m still waiting on one more as well. I just don’t know which forum it’s from

I don’t mind waiting dont get me Wrong.
It just seem’s not like Secret Santa when you recieve it after Christmas is long gone.

I understand that. It happens with every SS I’ve ever been in. Just one of those things.

my person got theirs on the 25th. well thats when he posted it anyway

im still waiting…

I’m still waiting on one more, but I don’t know which forum it’s from.

It finally came! I got a Hayabusa (yay! my first offstring yoyo!) and a modded clear blue fhz. Its high walled and silicones. Weird way to silicone it though. Red and thick on one side and clear and thin on the other side. Completely unresponsive and came with a completely green cw. Its a dice with sunglasses and teeth

And then there were Three.

-Indian Island

Im waiting as well.

I am still waiting and nothing came today …

so it looks like … its Me, Tryo(0yo, Cream9000, Yoyoingmonkey,Preinfalk (doesn’t know which forum its from, could be the person from YYE, you should ask them to PM u or something so you know which forum it’s from)

so 5 of us left!

My person has yet to post on this thread. I guess I’ll just contact him later and ask

No dice . no rice.

Yep, still waiting on one. If my secret santa was from this site (counter attack), would you please let me know? I’d like to personally thank you, and it would let me know which forum is good

This is your YYE SS.

This is pretty old but I ain’t got no Package ::slight_smile:

Well, I now found out that my missing secret santa is from the other site, and it’s not missing at all, just overseas. So for my secret santa here, thanks!

I hope you get yours. out of country can take a while, so it may take a while.

Ok so are we down to two with no ss?

Hm… Well i hope so. I would think it was shipped from America so…

I thoipu8ought it is just cream9000?