Are you willing to roll the dice on a CLYW from the BST…or have you decided against it? The advantage is, that you can find some great deals on mint CLYW, if you know how to work within that system. A disadvantage is that if you buy a lemon, it might turn you off from the brand right at the start. Just curious if you were definitely looking to buy new.
A lemon? How exactly does one buy a lemon yoyo?
Its not like their are hidden essential parts or anything. It’s two halves, a set-screw and a bearing. Unless the halves arent stripped or warped its fine. And good luck warping a metal yoyo without obvious outward damage.
You answered your question, to give one example. But, also, the problem is, you don’t really see the yo-yo to inspect it, until you get it in your hands. When dealing with something used, potential for problems are greater than buying new. Yes, there can be problems with an axle, bearing, or as you stated…stripped halves.
I would like anyone who has purchased a stripped yoyo off the BST when they were told it was in working condition to speak up. 'Cause I call BS on that. Havent ever heard it.
Read the traders feedback section, you’ll find it. I’ve heard of it there, so, I call “it” too.
I’ve tried everything CLYWs put out except the glacier express, avalanche, bassalope and yeti.
The winner by far is the Chief. AC and Cliff come in tied for second, but yeah Chief is the perfect sweet spot; think Goldilock’s “just right”. Not too heavy, not too light, not too floaty or solid. It just works perfectly, it’s all about balance.
The puffin is a fun throw, but just not in the same league. The AC comes close, it’s just lacking a certain undefinable magic that the Chief has.
- summit
- Chief
- Arctic Circle
I feel the exact same way. I think the Chief is first, then AC second and Cliff third. I’d put BVM2 in fourth place. My first CLYW was a Gnarwhal, and I enjoyed that the least, so I picked a bad first choice for myself.
How is the puffin vs the other throws i heard its bouncy and i like that
The puffin is alright, it’s nothing spectacular though. I mean like most modern throws, you can do all the same tricks on it, there are no glaring problems with it. It’s just not something I’m ever motivated to pick up and throw.
TotalArtist: Yeah, I think the gnarwhal was my second CLYW, after the campfire. I disliked both of em pretty strongly, and so it wasn’t until years later that I gave 'em another chance and fell in love!
It’s all preference. I didn’t like the AC at all and wasn’t mad about the Chief, but I absolutely love the Puffin. Each to their own I guess…
For competition: Chief, AC,BVM2or Avalanche
Most Fun: Cliff, Puffin these both are still great for competition though.
No love for the Campfire?
I know it fit a niche market and was just a pocket yo-yo but I enjoyed the heck out of mine.
People love them so much that he would never find one on the Bst
There’s a Higby Campfire on the BST right now.
Same guy that has the whole Arctic Canvas series up.
For just sleep times, Id say the sasquatch, pretty solid throw, more on the slower side though. Ive heard good things about the bvm2 though.