What caused you to stop learning new tricks?

I have noticed that a lot (not all) of people that get into yoyoing… Learn a few of the basic tricks and then just stop trying to learn new ones. There is nothing wrong with this but what is the reason for it?? I understand if you spend some time trying to build consistency on a trick (reps are key) but why just stop learning new tricks all together?? Couldn’t you spend some of the time you use to do tricks that you know to learn new tricks?? I literally see some people do the same trick for what seems to be years without adding any new elements or even switching up the order, and they do these tricks very well…So why not learn a new trick? THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS! Do what makes you happy. I’m just seriously curious because I would like to know all of the different reasons that one would stop learning.


Tricks are hard, man! I try a new trick every now and again, but I am not very good so I end up giving up pretty easily. I’m not salty about it. The two 1A ‘combos’ I do and the few 0A, 4A and 5A I know are good for me. I am content and they put me in a zen mode because I don’t have to think about them really any more.


Tricks are definitely hard! 10-15 minutes a day on a new trick is all you need though. It’s all about progress. You don’t have to land a new trick the first day you start learning it. But I guarantee if you put just 10 minutes a day on something new… You will learn a lot of tricks… Sometimes I start learning something new… Practice one element from the trick for a week before going forward with the rest of the tutorials. You can break each new trick down into elements and then practice each element until you learn the whole trick. I just started learning that 1 “meta combo everyone does” and I simply learned the first elements, turned off the video, practiced those for a few days… and now am ready to move on to the next part of the trick


Not everybody has an interest in yoyoing just to learn tricks. I came into yoyoing from skateboarding, and learning new tricks and building up my overall skill set to be able to flow between a variety of different elements smoothly is one of the most satisfying feelings ever to me. So learning new tricks is part of why I play with yoyos, and skill toys in general. But like those people who only ever get on a skateboard to use it as a method of transportation, there are people who just want to play with a yoyo to enjoy the act of throwing. Yoyos are tools that have more of a purpose than just being a device to do tricks with.


It’s not all about progress. It’s all about having fun. If progress is how you enjoy yoyoing, right on. It’s not how everyone does. I yoyo to relax mostly, and I enjoy doing the same few tricks that are easy and flow nicely. I might learn a new trick once every 6 months, if that. And I’m fine with the level I’m at. I don’t want to have a head full of tricks and tbh I don’t want to take the 10-15 minutes a day to learn new ones. I don’t even yoyo 10-15 every day so taking that time to learn new stuff would just make my yoyo time stressful instead of chill. It’s like how some people play video games for a challenge, but some people just want to vibe with a game they know well to de-stress.


For me with 1A i just started to feel really lost and like “where do i go next?” so occasionally in a vc i’ll get taught something, but for now the way i’m curing it is just learning a different style (2A)


I think you misunderstood me… I’m not saying that yoyoing is all about progress… I’m saying that when learning a new trick its just about making progress and not learning said trick in 1 day


Ah yeah my bad man, you’re right I misunderstood that. :+1:


yeah I got into it through skateboarding as well. I wouldn’t say that many people get into skateboarding for transport though, most people get into skating to do tricks…I’m not saying that this is true for all people because there are some that use it for this… But not majority from my experience. Don’t a majority of throwers get into it and learn tricks though even if its just a few? I dont know many people that buy a yoyo and only learn the sleeper. I was just curious though and wanted to knows the community’s thoughts on this.

Consider how many people who pick up skateboarding, and they can’t even do a clean ollie, yet they continue to just ride around and hang out with other people at the skatepark for months or years. I personally couldn’t imagine doing that, but they’re still having fun with the hobby, so I don’t see it as an “issue” or anything that really needs to be discussed. They’re just having fun riding and if that’s good enough for them, cool. Also I’d say the vast majority of people who pick up a longboard will literally never do a trick with it, while also referring to it as a skateboard, so I’m lumping those people into this same group.


Haha its all good. People seem to misunderstand what I’m trying to say a lot on this forum. I noticed a lot of what I say in post like these are kinda turned into something that wasn’t intended and my words were twisted into something out of the context of what I was trying to say. So for you… is yoyoing something you only do every once in a while and not something you love and are passionate about?


Oh I don’t think that this is an “issue”… did you miss this part of the post (So why not learn a new trick? THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS! Do what makes you happy. I’m just seriously curious because I would like to understand)? Again I just want to learn more about people and yoyoing lol. Also again from traveling and skateboarding from 12-26… While there was a few people at the park that could barley skate… most of them are very skilled and talented… and the ones I observe that aren’t… seem to be trying really hard to learn and obtain those skills. I’ll give you the long board one though… oh and electric skateboard…ppl buy those to cruise… But regular skateboards…People buy those to try to throw down some awesome tricks (for the most part)

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I didn’t miss that part of your post. I’m just not really sure what you’re expecting the answer to be here. Some people just don’t want to learn tricks because they enjoy yoyos for other reasons than doing tricks. It seems more like you really want to just convince people who don’t want to learn new tricks that they should, and if that’s your goal then you’re fighting a losing battle here.


lol you have a knack for creating controversial threads on here. “Curiosity killed the cat” as they say…

I think I’m kinda in the middle on this one. I enjoy the learning process and I try to at least learn a couple elements or tricks every week or so. I just like to continue to work on something for weeks or months at a time until I can hit it consistently. Also, learning a new trick can be frustrating and it’s more fun and relaxing to just take a step back and play around with what you’re comfortable with.


But that’s you assuming my friend… Wouldn’t you say that as each person Is an individual…it would be safe to assume that each would have a different reason for why they stop? One might say I need help learning, One might say I just like collecting, one might say I only yoyo to relax? Everyone will have a different reason…Maybe someone that responds would like guidance? It has nothing to do with trying to “CONVINCE” anyone to learn new tricks and that should be clear if you read my post for what it was… I simply want to understand the DIFFERENT reasons WHY each individual would decide to just stop learning. Personally I as an INDIVIDUAL… I think this is interesting and I’m curious. We don’t all think a like.

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How does one tell the difference between taking a very long break between learning new tricks, and stopping learning tricks all together? (Hint: you can’t…and in computer science it is called The Halting Problem).

I sometimes go many months without learning a new trick. Then I’ll go and try to learn three new tricks in quick succession. Like, right now I am practicing the wrist mount so that I can proceed to learning Spirit Bomb. The last new trick I learned was Skin the Gerbil a couple of months ago, and before that I can’t even remember it was so long.

For me it just comes down to motivation and whatever happens to spark my curiosity about a trick I see in a video or something.


This is me with looping tricks :rofl:
The reason why I didn’t learn more looping tricks is because I just don’t feel like I have much time or energy to learn new looping tricks. I guess that some people probably feel the same about the entire hobby. I just throw the same loops again and again when I pick up a looper and I’m okay with that.

These types of threads are the ones that generate lots of heat and… oh man I can already see five other people typing at the same time… Let’s all just try to stay cool here please :slightly_smiling_face:


I absolutely love yoyoing and am passionate about it. My main source of income is from making yoyo strings, and I love that. But I’m a maker. I enjoy making stuff, so coming up with new colorways and stuff like that is honestly more fun to me than actually yoyoing. I absolutely am passionate about yoyoing and enjoy it, but I mostly enjoy it as a chill thing to do with the tricks I know and love. If I get too competitive-minded, learning all the new tricks to show off, that turns the chill fun time into work. I don’t want to work when I yoyo, I want to vibe.


I just post things that I’m seriously curious about hahaha. When I got questions I just want answers. I love to learn about new things and ideas :slight_smile:


Great answer and I respect that! You have a wonderful company and make amazing string. Keep up the great work you got my support