What brand do you Stan?

The Statement has a slightly hollow/floatyish feel that I personally prefer in yo-yos. The Bliss is super solid in play, the rim weight is very evident. It’s incredibly stable. The Statement isn’t unstable by any means, but the Bliss is outstanding in that regard.

I’d also say that despite feeling a little more solid on the string the Bliss can move a bit faster than the Statement. Or at least i feel a lot more comfortable going faster with the Bliss. And even though I like the feel of the Statement more, the Bliss makes me more confident when I’m using it, like I could pull off anything.

Edit: i think I good way to illustrate the way I feel about these two is I pick up the Statement at home just a little bit more, but when I picked a couple yo-yos for my recent performance i picked my Breeze and the Bliss over the Statement.


Have to agree. I didn’t learn until recently that I even had a YYF throw as a kid (fast 201). I just really like what I’ve seen/played from them.

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Thanks man, that’s a lot of great information! I think based off your recommendation I’m gonna have to pick up a Bliss.

Your hype on the Breeeze got me interested in one of those also! I’ve noticed we have pretty similar tastes in design.


If the Bliss were any heavier I don’t think I would like it nearly as much. The overall weight really helps offset the amount of weight that is on the rims so it’s not like a brick on the string. Definitely solid, but not a brick.

I’m a huge fan of the feeling that bimetal rings set a little back from the rims gives, and also stuff that’s on the lighter end of the spectrum. IMO the Breeze is like the middle ground between the stability and speed of the Bliss and the feel of the Statement, but lighter in play than either of them.


For me it’s Reticulated Return Tops! Like others have said I’m not necessarily gonna buy something that doesn’t agree with me, if the shape doesn’t appeal to me then it doesn’t, but fortunately for me RRT just happen to make a lot of throws that look appealing to me, something about his designs just really vibe with me. Also when I find a yoyo that really does it for me I’m in the habit of buying multiples in different colorways. Lastly as a snake owner you already know I’m totally going to be biased Haha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I tend to lean to OD releases, as I know they will work correctly. If I don’t actually like it I can sell it for most of what I paid. They are the most reliable brand. I will take a chance on others, especially if it’s a Ti I can afford, but OD is always a good bet.


I was around when the Project was first dropped and while I liked the few I got to try, I’ve never owned a One Drop myself.

I might get a Legendary Terrarian at some point though, the weight and the inner ring speak to me. The Sugar Glider looks cool too. I’ve just got other stuff on my list for now.

Edit: also been wondering, do your banana hands include banana fingers? Mine certainly do. The combo means overly wide yo-yos are a little unwieldy to me and slightly undersized yo-yos feel extra undersized.


Sugar Glider is choice. Same kind of inner ridge thingy. The purple is gorgeous too. Mine was NQP due to a water mark in the black ano. Buttery AF.


Yeah but what about the banana hands?

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Added flavor and potassium with a smattering of warm embrace.


Do they affect your yo-yo preferences like mine do for me?


Not really. I like all size throws. Love my Dingo, but also love my Par Avion and Mega Crash. I think each size range has a lot to offer, they just all offer different things.


The new cuda’s look :fire::fire:

I need to try some more of the newer Duncan stuff. I have a feeling they’re gonna be like $100 or $120 though


Yeah the Yoshicuda in particular looks really nice to me. It’s not my preferred specs for 1A as far as weight and rim placement are concerned, but at some point I need a new 5A yo-yo.

I know a lot of people tend to just use whatever works for them for 1A but I can’t do that. My preferred 1A throws are either just too light or don’t have a shape or width that works for freehand for me.

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The Barracuda X looks amazing! Definitely need to add that to my wishlist.


OYY, A-RT and Oxygene thats pretty much it at the mo


I’ve been buying up everything @FreshlyDirty that I can.


I used to collect a lot of specific companies. 2Sick, G2, Sturm Panzer, Sengoku ect and even carried on when I started to make yoyos. I had at least one of everything they all ever made. It was nice but it got way too stressful to keep track.

I do like to try EVERYTHING I can though. A lot of my yoyos are based on others I’ve tried and thought I could do better (for me) so it’s really important for me to have a go on as many as possible.


Used to be Duncan, they release I frequently enough and just enough models that it’s possible to buy almost everything. Something about the name history and my personal history with the brand that really appeals to me, not to mention that the quality of their higher end stuff has reached a level where they can be as good as anyone else design and quality wise. Sadly I have a lot of other gripes namely their customer service, worst I’ve ever seen in the yoyo biz for sure. One of the things I love about boutique brands is that the customer experience is top notch, and your usually (if not always) dealing with the designer/owner and they take pride in the entire experience, not just selling a product and moving on. I’ve got my eyes on MK1, PDX-YO, TMBR, Rain City and Spinworthy. Honorable mention to YoYoFactory for the volume they move they’re still very involved and accessible. All in all YYF is probably the best company out there.

NOTE: is Stan an acronym or regional term, because I’ve never heard of a definition of it just a name.

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Pretty sure Stan originates from the Eminem track, so it is just a name. Specifically that of an obsessed fan.

Also since you mentioned Duncan: