What’s the Zeppelin like? Is it a proto for something new? If it’s as good as the monolith, I’m going to go broke…
Markmont Next
Draupnir again
MKT, tundra and trigger
It’s a proto rn
It’s really good.
55 USD before shipping
and I think they still have free shipping promotion going
Butterfly xt😛 And a little Spark, to, umm, light my interest a little more
I threw all of these because they’re new to me and I’m still trying them all out but so far, I’m throwing this one the most. It’s a Regen is what I was told. Not as smooth as the others but a bit more forgiving and I really like the shape. Please excuse the fur babies. The house is drafty and it gets cold. I have the space heaters pointed at the bed.
Duncan windrunner
a yoyo
Nice. How do you like it ?
Good choice!
Thanks! It’s actually some random custom kyotoys machined plastic that i got in a trade so I affectionately nickname it the “yoyo”
Vulfgang finished up filming in the desert and posting on
Phenom or MKT?