What are you throwing today?

What are those bottom two blue ones? One looks like the attack blade but I thought those were only orange.

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It is a blade attack mode and the other one is the Sturm Panzer Night Moves 9. They are both awesome

A real nice 50 year old Butterfly.

i see you like the sakura. Fine choice. Love my hairband Sakura.

If anyone has a bleeding heart Sakura, pm me.

Throwing Amplified’s… Hawaiian Honeydew GOODNESS!!! 8)

What a beauty. I want one badly!


Rotating a few throws around, giving the Summit some love today.

These two! :slight_smile:

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What is the wood one?

It’s actually a homemade one of mine. It has a penny on each side (actually to hide the ugly looking axel area) so I call it “my 2 cents.” Just a fun little project for a couple hours a week ago :slight_smile:

Haha! Tres cool!

Throwing this little guy today.


What is that? Looks cool

Vosun Vanquish with center track=Pure Beast.

Cool! Just throwin’ your 2 cents…

BSP. Nothing like a pussy in your pocket.

very cool making your own fixed axle! Today, I’m throwing my trusty 2015 eH

Hey throwing the Halyard, Blizzard, and Skyva today! ::slight_smile:

It’s a mini prototype. 40mm x 35mm made out of steel that weighs in at 70ish.