What are you throwing today?

Keepin’ on with some Square Wheels today-- both the Rex and the Royale with Cheese are at my disposal. Along with a Loop 1080.

Skyy Chaser

OD Burnside

Just got a silver plated Summit in the mail today, so I’ll be using that one for awhile.

Bebop. Too good



T1 ;D

Wooly Marmot 2. Valor.

I threw my shutter and my new AC2 today!

I think I was toting the isotope 2 today. It’s an absolute beast of a yoyo

Shutter and Protostar




Protostar and superstar

I threw a lot yesterday, day is just another Pulsefire kind of day.

Valor, Wooly Marmot 2, Capricorn.

Hey! Shutter was my first nice yoyo. But today, I threw my new AC2. Way nice. Love the way it plays.