What are you throwing today?

I threw a little bit of everything in my collection today. Popstar, CZM8, Cypher, Supra, Orbitron 5000, Addiction, Bape.2, and Next.

But mostly the Next. Too much fun. So glad I was able to acquire it.

And I’m also really impressed with dragon strings. They were a bit unusual at first due to their super slick and not very soft feel. But after using one for a few hours of hard use, I’m sold. They don’t gunk up due to sweat, and apart from not looking purely white anymore, I can’t tell that it’s really wearing at all. Plus, these things whip like crazy… Easily doubled my consistency on suicides. Really glad I picked up 50 of them, haha.

supra is one of my favorite throws, although I rarely if ever hear people mention it.

I mention Supra from time to time. :wink: Best V-shaped undersized out there. Enjoyed it far more than the two YYR undersized yoyos I’ve tried (Six, Messiah).

Today’s throw is a 2sickyoyos Gambit. If the post gods are better than they were yesterday, should have an 888 and a Space Cowboy, too, though. :slight_smile:

clyw ac2, onedrop cascade, and onedrop gradient

Yeah, it’s definitely awesome. Extreme rim weighting which is great for an undersized throw. However, I’ve found that v shapes aren’t really my style so it doesn’t get as much use as it should.

Agreed, FullthrottleFRS! Or at least: I like V-shapes but only in mid to full-sized. Didn’t love it in undersized. My favourite undersized is the Smooth Move.

Mind you, just got that '07 888 Classic! It’s a great little yoyo. I think it’ll rank alongside the Smooth Move.

Also got that Space Cowboy!

Gon’ be hard to give the Gambit much love today with 2 new arrivals in my greedy little paws.

Theory, Capricorn, Valor.

888x today.

Space Cowboy, Butterfly

Textbooks…out my window.

AC2 and OG speeder.
testing out dem flow grooves



Werrd Minute all day!


Aftershock, Sentinel, and Mr. Butcher were today’s throws. All of them are incredible yoyos!

mostly draupnir and a little bit of other stuff

radian mkii - bbb edition, by spyy…




