What are you throwing today?

by friday. a DNA, red of course.

Fools Gold Peak

The weekend all I used was my YYF’s, but I’m going back to my Hatrick today. It may change again though :stuck_out_tongue:

Today I have thrown nothing but my GM2…

Giving it some love yanno…

a boss amd a dv888 (only metals i have) there sweet ;D

dark magic

I love the Dv888 too much. I can’t stay away from it!

working on 4a with my BigYo

Worked on my Duncan Imperial contest freestyle all day. It’s amazing how accurate you can become after a few trapezes and eli hops. :wink:

Tomorrow I plan on working the old DM.

My 2 M1s failing at 3a. But I’m getting better.

Also, I threw my Metal Zero a bit…

my trusty bully, i got tired of it being mint since im never getting rid of it so i had some fun walking the dog, now its got some character…im crazy lol

5* all the way

I need more CLYWs, they’re awesome. xD

I’m throwing my only CLYW, my awesome Peak.

I was feeling nostalgic today so I have been throwing
YYJ Big Kahuna
YYJ Black Nova
Duncan FH First Gen

Just left my house for work with a YYJ Night Moves Ver 1 in my pocket.

I love throwing the older stuff from time to time.


finally a DNA.

Nice. A BigYo by tomorrow! (hopefully!) Does anyone know if the ones that were in stock were the BigYo, or BigYo 2? For now, 1A Dv888. Oh yeah.


small bearng dv888

heck yes

They were BigYo2’s.

My Shark vs. Zombie Beaver

Hatrick, 888, PGM v2