What are you throwing today?

M1 and NXG’s

Phew! :smiley:

My PGM 2 and a yomega raider today :slight_smile:

4A BigYo! Brand new! ;D Thanks for the suggestion Jayyo!


I told my mom to take my Peak to work with her so I’d finally stop playing it.


Duncan imperial.
What now.

Old skool… I took my butterfly to school once to show some one that I was decent at yoyoing and it wasn’t all the yoyo


Yeah! Just got 2 new yo-yos today! So,

Orange/Purple M1

and my 2 new ones:

2nd Run Raw Proto Bully


1st Run Raw Proto Wedgie

They’re awesome, I might make reviews.

my new Die-nasty 5A pwns ;D

Was that even a complete sentence? Lol, glad you like it! But you like it more den yer DM?

Dv888, I’m in a 1A mood today. 8)

Didn’t really throw much today…Mostly my Bigyo. Some Dv888.

2 metal tres letches by crucial!!! prototypes.

New yoyos I got at Redondo.

Stock FH0 and Athmosphere.

Oh, how does it play?

Anyways, Hatrick, dv888, 888


It plays across a Dv888 and a Cream, IMO

Has similar weight to a Dv888, while the shape of a cream.

Amazing throw.

High praise… I’ll have to try one of these things.

Purple(Viiolett)DV888 And A Hybrid Bluue Hitman