What are you throwing 2024?



I have been throwing the Unparalleled Informel for the last few days. I also tried out a slightly longer string than usual.


That’s a nice splash on that. How do you like the longer string? I tried linger strings maybe 3 weeks ago when I started trying Beefhook. I’m now taking them from the floor to my sternum and I like it pretty good. Took some getting used to of course.


Jonathon A Deleon is the man who anod 5 for Alchemik. He has done some insane ano. He’s got a spiral Grail that’s mind blowing.


Thank you! I knew his name but couldn’t figure out how to spell it :rofl: He really does amazing stuff!


I like it, and it didn’t increase my ding ratio, lol. It’s not that much longer, tho. I went from around 100 cm to about 106 cm, or maybe a bit longer since it has stretched a bit. It’s a cheap string with a pre-tied knot, so I just went with the length it had. When I started yoyoing, I had a 120 cm string, which, in hindsight, I think is way too long for me. Longer strings give nicer-looking slacks, but they can also make some slacks and hooks more tedious because they don’t move as fast.

I also really like the acid wash. It’s based on the work of a German photographer and artist called Wols.


The quail demands finesse, and ime recessed response really helps calm him down.

I tried to make my string longer couple of days ago, I tested it for 2 days (for now I do from the upper part of my belly button till floor, is quite a short string as I am a short guy), I tried to make it longer from my sternum.
After 2 days I have to say that it didn’t worth it, I sort of lost a lot of accuracy, speed and control.

I tought a longer string can help me with slacks but is was exactly the opposite in my case, I was missing my slacks so much more and the only good side is that the slack is quite big and nice to look at, a longer string give for sure a bit more room for some types of movement but in general for me and my play didn’t worth it.

When I shortened it again I noticed again a lot more accuracy and speed in general (also on the slacks), much a better result for my type of play


From just above the belly button is where I started and I can say that at the sternum it definitely starts feeling like a loooong string. I did it to help get more loop on the Beefhook but in general it is getting close to feeling in the way. Before I made it this long I was tying off at around 2 inches below the sternum and I have to say I feel like that is a great sweet spot. It gives every moment a bit of breathing room without feeling like things are out of place. Give that a try. You could just take the sternum length one you have now and shorten it to that length to try.

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You can fix every day, you don’t have to wait until fixed axle Friday (and fixed tip Friday) to put the right thing in your pocket.


YWETi MK II & Kitty Fat



Throwing the Homage zero around today, waiting on some French onion soup and a Rosemary garlic butter mushroom burger (medium) :kissing_closed_eyes:


:point_right:Draup:a modern classic;)


I used to have one but now its gone :pleading_face:

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C3 Galaxy Diver

Trade from @chaosgow 🩷


I finally started playing shorter string a few months ago. I used to cut it at my sternum. Now I do bellybutton and I gotta say, I noticed an immediate improvement in my accuracy.

It felt like a huge level up.


AL7 Pilgrim


I know it’s only Wednesday, but the weekend is on my mind.


That murdered out (as my son would say) Weekender is too cool. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen one.


blackout weekender >