What are you hoping for this holiday season? Christmas lists! MERGED

A Summit and a Yeti!! I need these bad lol

I donā€™t get yoyos as gifts, so Iā€™ll just have to hope for some money to buy some myself!

Lol yep but thatā€™s like all Iā€™m asking for. Iā€™d be happy with a chief and thatā€™s it.

Donā€™t care about buying new yoyos anymore, so just money for trip to EYYC.


I generally donā€™t care for the ritual of gift giving and receiving, so Iā€™m just looking forward to see my family. And Iā€™m gonna majorly chow down.


But your name is SlimJoe! Lol

What do you celebrate?

Nope, FATjoe


It used to be something else lol.

Thatā€™s what weā€™re here for!

1.Arctic Circle Second Expedition
2.Colored Yeti
3.Gnarwhal 2
5.Model 10
6.Puffin 2
7.Bundle of Neon Yellow Fat Kitty

My birthday is January 5th so this is kind of a split list what I donā€™t get Iā€™ll buy.

Bonfire. At least a proto!

Two hip surgeriesā€¦

Ha I remember.

Seriously? :o

Bummer bud! Best of luck with that.

Serious. Thanks I am hoping it resolves and life gets better.

I want to be content with less. Health for my wife. To be a better father, husband and friend. And for successful surgeries for Snafu!

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