What are you hoping for this holiday season? Christmas lists! MERGED

Ithought the puffin 2 and the gnarwal 2 didnt come out till next year


My wife is going to have an easy time shopping for me this year. All I want is an 86400.

Format C and prestige are my top wants for now. I also plan to pick up a yeti.

Please trade please trade please trade

Ok new list-

  1. You
  2. My 2 front teeth

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas

I want me two fwunt teef

I would like to get a blasted shutter

Iā€™m hoping for a Yoyo. All of them I like I havenā€™t found any preferences yet so to me any Yoyo is a good Yoyo.

Chris said the Puffin 2, AC 2, Gnarwal 2, and bonfire will all be out between November and December.

At least thatā€™s what they have planned ;D

I would LOVE to get my hands on a One Drop Valor, a pair of Ultralights and Discs Side Effects for Christmasā€¦

Bvm2 and cascade , maybe a yeti but im saving up for the new 2014 clyw line up i really want a puffin 2 , bonfire and ac2 but i want the puffin 2 the most

Im asking for a bvm2 and a cascade and money from my relatives im gonna try to get a few throws from the new 2014 clyw line up i really want a puffin 2 the most but i also would like to get the ac2 and bonfire

A Skier for a mod? Wowā€¦


Iā€™m just praying that I will be able to be home to see my son open his gifts. If I can do that, Iā€™ll chalk this Christmas up as a win. I donā€™t need anything.



As long as Iā€™m home, Iā€™m happy


Iā€™m gonna +1 his +1ā€¦

:slight_smile: Iā€™m glad to be able to spend Christmas with my family. But I definitely wouldnā€™t mind a few throws like a Chief or CZM84VK or even a Puffin 2, Iā€™ll be happy with anything I donā€™t already have :slight_smile:

Hi guys, donā€™t really want to start a new thread so Iā€™ll just post here what I got for my birthday

I got a pair of loop 900ā€™s
Magic yoyo t5
Slick 6 string
Trying to get a blue and black c3 capless from someone on this forum
And a tribute kendama!

So I just wanted to thank this community for getting me into yoyoing and making me want to buy yoyo related items for most of my gifts :smiley:

A Silver with Red Splash Yomega Prodigy!