What are you doing today?

I love both of those games! I am currently playing those and the Ghostbusters game. :slight_smile:


I didnā€™t even realize there was a Ghostbusters game! FF:TH has been our household obsession as of late. I did Black Eagles as my first playthrough and my wife is doing Golden Deer rn. After this playthrough I think Iā€™m putting it down until the campaign DLC though.


cleaning out the ā€˜Pā€™ trap under the bath. Suspect daughters hair has blocked it.
Just living the dream :smiley:

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just gone back through the posts. Nice tiling job - full respect. I especially like the little alcove.


Well, late on posting it, but here it is. Behold.


Thanks @pep65! Tile is such a challenge and can get intense once you mix that mortar! Finished the tile floors this weekend too! Now time to finish up the electrical and then lay the wood floors! Been restoring a 1901 farmhouse by myself for the past 2 years!!!


I canā€™t even begin to imagine how satisfying it must be to be building your own home! I think that is so cool!


Love the computer build! At first the reflection of the keyboard made it look like it was inside the case and I was like ā€˜Whoaā€¦ This computer is no joke.ā€™


I ended up waiting and not buying the Wide Angle I said I was going to the other day to see if any of my yo-yos would sell. Iā€™m glad I waited because I now have enough to buy the Rose Gold Shutter I was eyeing as well.

Buying yo-yos with money from yo-yos you sold feels so much better than spending more cash on yo-yos outright. I think out of the last 500$ in yo-yos I bought only around 200$ wasnā€™t from yo-yos I sold. I havenā€™t regretted selling any of them yet, especially not the SFs.


Sweet man!
Iā€™m not exactly sure why, but Iā€™m really excited about you getting these Shutters haha. I just love when people spoil themselves for whatever reason.

Are you getting the rose gold with the free case? :smiley:


You bet. I already got one of the Wide Angle deals so Iā€™ll have two of those cases now.

And I just figure why not get multiples of a yo-yo I like (especially a relatively cheap one) instead of risking wasting money on a yo-yo I donā€™t like. Satisfies my collection urge without feeling like Iā€™m spending money on something I wonā€™t use.

The only thing in my collection that comes close to my WAs is my Breeze. Ive given up on my Good Life collection though and I donā€™t think Iā€™m buying their new stuff after this. Iā€™m even getting rid of a couple I own. I doubt Iā€™ll like anything as much as the WA going forward. Maybe the bimetal Shutter.

I might get Gentryā€™s other stuff off the BST in the future but thereā€™s no urgency. I donā€™t feel compelled to buy anything after these next few.


Itā€™s different, but kind of the same.
Me collecting just green throws.
Even if it ends up being something I donā€™t actually really like throwingā€¦at least it adds to my overall collection so Iā€™m still really happy to have them.
Iā€™m really enjoying having a focused collection.


There are just so many yo-yos out there, everyone has to come up with someway to restrict what theyā€™re interested in otherwise itā€™s overwhelming.


I just started messing around with Davinci Resolve (coming from Adobe Premier) and am really liking it so far. Honestlyā€¦I think itā€™s better than Premier so far - itā€™s a far more robust program than Premier.


Is that Fire Emblem?


I went to a nice nature reserve with my friends today. They painted, I yoyoed, then we all tossed offstring yoyos back and forth. It was real fun!

Getting to spend a few hours out in nature on a beautiful day was blissful. Iā€™m very thankful for the little moments where life gets to slow down like that.


Went to the Cardinals/Falcons game yesterday. Saw my Falcz lose in the worst way. Today I came in to some REALLY GREAT NEWS at work, so I will be on the job hunt now. What a time to be alive.

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Damn man :frowning:

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Correct. Luckily I still have a job, and the news basically make me indispensable here in the worst way. It also turns my job into an internal dead end, and adds about 50% to my workload. Woo!

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what type flooring ? old farmhouse, gotta be Oak ?

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