what are the smooothest yoyos that are under $90?

may be metal and may also be plastic…

smoothest anyone?


Yoyoing has reached a point where any yoyo that is released will pretty much be smooth. Very few yoyos are released as A-Grade that have serious vibe issues. You’ll be fine with anything, smoothness shouldn’t be your deciding factor.

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but it is… i loveeeee smooth yoyos.

Read his post. Pretty much ever metal now will be smooth.

Sorry, had to do it. ;D

Cream ;D

basically any metal, but the p2 is up there in terms of smoothness





It will Pepsi challenge anything you think is smooth and come out on top :smiley:

Wait, what were we talking about?

BOSS, P2, dv888.

Ha nice.

To answer the question, like Xdohl said, any yoyo you get today will be just fine on the smoothness factor. Even if you do for some odd reason get one with a slight vibe that doesn’t affect the sleep time, that’s fine. If nothing else, it’ll give the yoyo a bit of character.

YYF Genesis. Miggy’s in particular.

The Warning Line by K2J sells for $70. It is extremely smooth and one of the longest spinning yo-yos I have ever played.


I recommend a DV888, NM5 (little bit more that $90) :o, NEW BREED, and a P2