What 0A yoyo (that is easily available) would you recommend to a newbie?



Thatā€™s good to know.

Clyw is also in the work on a wood release at some point comparable to the legend wing supposedly.

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Duncan Butterfly
G2 Respawn
DocPop Weekender
DocPop Thing

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Butterfly (unfortunately the Target butterfly holiday stock is gone)
Butterfly XT

Above are excellent for getting your feet wet without making a huge investment.

What I really like:
Doc Pop Weekender, Day Tripper
One Drop Deep and Deeper States (Deeper stateā€™s been my edc since lastā€¦March I think?)
Yoyofactory Turbo Grind Machine


A secret place you can find butterfly is the toy section at Cracker Barrel. Which is weird but hey I wonā€™t complain


Nice. I love getting a bag of belly flops (irregular jelly belly jelly beans) when I am there lol

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