What 0A yoyo (that is easily available) would you recommend to a newbie?

I know any fixie is able to 0A, which is super cool, but I am specifically looking for ones that have high walls to make stalls and kickflips easier.

I have a Pixie and a Kasm on the way.

Thank you so so much for your time.


Butterfly fixie


The Pixie and Kasm both have high walls, so you should be set.


I second what Henry said, but if you want something fairly cheap that’s a bit nicer, I suggest getting a YYF Legend Wing or Boho.

And if you (understandably) don’t want to support YYF, you could look into the old BC Wood yo-yos, or a Dazzling Dave Fixie.


Thank you brother. Any other you would recommend? Looking for wood throws readily available possibly

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Definitely gonna get a Butterfly or two


I’ll second what @Snoopy said. A Dazzling Dave yoyo is a good bet as well as a BC Apollo.


I was recently turned on to Ed Davidson (@dlc) after posting a LF for wood fixies. You can find his store link in his profile or on his Facebook page. He seems to always have some in stock. I heard good things and they look great. I bought 2, but haven’t received them yet, so I can’t speak to the playability personally. But I have heard/read really good things from people in this community that I consider to be VERY good at 0a.

I also have a BC Apollo on the way. Ed has some modded BC’s on his site, and last I looked there were still some NOS ones available through Astrojax.


Also, this isn’t “readily available” in that you can just go buy from a store, but if you have eyes on some of the stuff that isn’t available that way, I’d suggest posting an LF. After posting mine, I ended up trading for a TMBR Morrow, TMBR PockeHt, and Wildwood Gnomad, then buying a Spinworthy Harbinger and Spinworthy Knack all in a 24 hour span from folks on this forum. You might get a pretty quick turnaround going that route.


DocPop has The Weekender, The Thing, The Stoopid, and The PLTPS available on his site. Of those my prefs are The Weekender and The Thing.


MK1 is also releasing the Plasm some time soon. It’s a plastic RBC.


So my 0A are mostly NOT fixie - but I’m working to convert a few to fixie and/or pick up a few fixie for FAF. That said, the YYT Origen is cheap fun but not real high wall - so a tad less stable than some. Doc Pop Weekender is my fav right now. Thing is a close 2nd. PLTPS - not quite there but getting there - tight gap and extra snaggy - some love that - so far - I do not.

I’m watching with great anticipation for a used RBC or the Plasm to come out soon.

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woa woa woa, dems fightin words :smiling_imp:


I must concur with @Splizacular. I’d take a butterfly over legend wing ANY day. Haven’t tried boho, but I’m pretty sure it’s basically a legend wing that’s glued together, instead of being one piece. Outa here wit dat! Gimme a butterfly! :joy:

I jest, but also, not really.


I vote PLTPS

Ed Davidson (DLC) or Dazzling dave both have stuff in stock and will do a custom order fairly quickly too. Both are great playing YoYo’s and great to work with and reasonably priced.

I’ll give looks an edge to Ed and player edge to Dave by a bit.

Boise wood works has started to make fixed axle I have a few coming from rich.

A butterfly or boho or legend wing would do in a pinch and are all cheap.

Any yoyo can be made fixed axle


Also a kasm from @wayne927 layer infinity.

beg @Eric_Newlin (wildwoods) or @Glenacius_K (spinworthy) to make you something

@yoyoyoga (lkglass) makes amazing glass yoyo

@AudreySickburn, @Ardeus and @TryCatchThrow all print awesome fixed axle stuff in fixed axle and @pyrotechnic does mr85 mods

@Saltman360 occasionally makes his new rover on the FD stems.

Email and beg john gates to make some stuff.

I feel like I’m forgetting someone

@Nic_from_Adelaide makes really cool wood throws

Also @ceddarth pops up making some cool blanks and stuff @Xanadu blanked mr85 bearings


I should have been clearer, by “nicer” I mostly meant more durable.

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I very much appreciate this :heart:


A little fox might’ve mentioned to me, a couple weeks ago, that he has stuff. He just doesn’t advertise. I can’t speak to the validity of this, but it might be worth a try. (I trust the fox, for what it’s worth :joy:)