Well it happened (first gouge)

I was just playing today, I got to the end of my combo and went to bind by throwing a Keychain mount to the outside and instead of that firmiliar tugging sensation I was greeted with a horrible pinging sound. My first nice metal yoyo (shutter wide angle) hit my metal key holder and now has a gouge on the rim. Oh well at least I can relax about keeping it mint. Oh and you guys were right, it still plays just fine.


Oof… Guess that’s why get stainless rim bi-metals to mask the dings???


It will happen to every yoyo that gets play time. Just get in the mindset that you’re buying yoyos to play, not to admire.

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For sure, it reminds me of the knife world, do you carry your high end blades to use them and risk scuffing or breaking them, but use them for their intended purpose, or do you put them on the shelf and reduce them to pricey paper weights? I’ve always been a “use it for the intended purpose” guy. It does hurt to see the pretty colors get scratched up though.

My first ding/gouge was when I threw my newish shutter and the yyf limewire string snapped, causing my nice new yoyo to roll on the floor. It had some vibe after. (Limewire string snaps VERY easily)


I have a FG Kodiak I yeeted into some concrete. Bad scrapes on the rim, vibes like a cell phone from 2003. Lives in my car in case I need to throw in an emergency. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq231i_ndbs/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

The only difference I find is them at knives are a lot easier to repair than yo-yos in my experience!

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My first gouge was carbon steel and 3/8".


Just Thursday I had my first scrape on a “nice” yo-yo, my beloved Deep State. I was glad I had read threads like this to psychologically prepare myself.
It sounds like you are coping as well.

And your gouge has made YoYos instead of a gouge that destroys YoYos! :thinking:Well maybe your gouge has destroyed a yo-yo or two also I’d bet.



Whoah I never had any idea how much works you use to prototype

I remember my first bad ding was on a concrete patio, and was so bad it left a sharp piece of metal sticking up from the rim. I didn’t notice it and immediately upon throwing my next throw I thought a finger grind would be a good idea (for some reason) and cut my finger open lol. I ended up taking the finest file i have to work it back down. This yoyo has since been dinged many times (probably the worst of which over this past 5A May), and I still play with it.

Do you make the other yo-yos watch, to keep them in line?


Lol… Made me laugh

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What I’m burning there is nothing. I’ve made hundreds of failed yoyos.

Lol RIP trees and oxygen