Oh cool. I was used to the Youtube code format aka the “_ _” and the “* *” thing
Yeah me too
This might be an obvious question, but how do you send PMs? I’ve seen it mentioned several times, even in the FAQ, but I can’t find anywhere that tells you how to do it and I can’t find a button for it anywhere on a user’s page or anywhere else.
All you have to do is click on someone’s name which will cause a little pop up to appear, and click on “message”.
I don’t have that button, is there something I need to have done on the forum first? I only just registered today
Oh, sorry about that. Yeah, as a new member you wont be able to send private messages right away.
Once you do these 3 simple things you’ll have the option though…
- Entering at least 5 topics
- Reading at least 30 posts
- Spend a total of 10 minutes reading posts
You can find out more here:
Yes this PM rule is tricky, you do have to read a little bit to get the ability to PM. We do this so people can’t grief others by signing up and immediately sending a bunch of PMs.
(I mean, there are also definitely posting rate limits on new users but it would still be annoying if someone joined and then immediately sent “only” 3 PMs.)
So this may be a limitation of Chrome, but I use GBoard keyboard on my Android phone, and am currently unable to pop gifs straight from there like I do in other social applications.
This is horrible. I saw a yo-yo I want and signed up to send a PM to the person and an hour later while trying to figure out how to send a PM, I stumble on this. Why on God’s green earth would this be a good idea? Is this really a common problem?
It’s kinda like seatbelts in cars. It is a bit more restrictive, but the safety benefits are enormous. Just spend a little bit of time reading and you’ll earn the ability to send PMs.
is the discourse app a forum? @YoYoExpertGarrett
I would call this a forum, but you can call it whatever you want.
how do i get to the forum on the discourse app?
I haven’t used the app, not sure. @codinghorror
I’mma call it Humphrey!
@yoyo-matt-ratt Add the URL for the forum in the app, it is
I haven’t picked up a YoYo In many years. was wondering if there is any suggestions in the kind yo yo I should get a starter.
if your ok with going into target you can pick up the butterfly XT for only $6, but I recommend picking one up from YYE to support them
if you have some more experience then I would recommend the SFYOYOS PLSTC