again, why does every discussion that includes disagreement get termed an argument and not worthy of continuing? intellectual discourse and debate is exactly how these things get parsed out. and personally, if it turns out I’m wrong about stuff, id rather be told that and have the opportunity to correct my info. personally I’m more baffled by NOT wanting to have these discussions as a greater understanding of the world and especially our own bodies gives us a greater handle on our lives and our wellbeing
but calcium is available in SO many foods it doesn’t have to come all from one food. kale, for one, has as much biovailable calcium as milk. that’s why ppl don’t have to supplement their diets with milk to avoid breaking bones as adults. there was an article from Harvard in 2021(?) discussing the unnecssary nature of milk in most adults and the link between excessive milk consumption and prostate/endometrial cancer. interesting read. if you’re interested i can dig up the link
100% yes the microbiome is HUGE! however, the efficacy of live culture yogurts and probiotic supplements is far from established. i had a lengthy discussion with my doctor as I’ve had major digestive problems over the last 3 months so this was a hot topic for me. he said live cultures and supplements couldn’t hurt but were more akin to topping off a pool full of water with a medicine dropper
thats all to say, yes, i agree with you that milk, as any part of nutrition is both complicated and there’s personal variance to consider. while i agree that milk has beneficial things in it, it would seem that all our info on the subject points to it not being a necessary part of an adult human diet and certainly is not a magic bullet for anything
please do! personally i love talking about stuff like this. as a former bio major and someone who keeps scientific company, im endlessly fascinated by such things and as i said i think discussions like this only go to helping each other lead healthier and happier lives
was the taste very different? was there a noticeable difference in how full or satiated it made you feel?