"We Are The Champions" on Netflix yoyo episode is SO GREAT!

It really doesn’t come across as for kids at all to me. It’s just tongue-in-cheek. Not to everyone’s taste…


I kind of wish this would have been handled like “The speed cubers” special was. A more serious look into the competitive yoyo scene, with a compelling and heartfelt narrative woven through. That said any exposure is a nice thing!


I agree. Certainly not the kind of humor I enjoy, but it doesn’t seem particularly juvenile or silly.


Well I don’t know… I’d say it’s still pretty silly, and a wee it juvenile. :grin:

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i felt like the fantasy hairstylists were specifically the most ‘normal’ and out of place against the rest :stuck_out_tongue: (but i also haven’t finished the series yet)


I’m not a wizard but I really enjoyed the Harry Potter books and movies.

Queens Gambit so far (I’m only three episodes in) seems like a very compelling story of a tortured genius losing their grip. No chess experience required to be into a good story told well.

Same for the yoyo episode…it was intended to be a good story told well for the benefit of anyone who is into that, not just yoyo players.


I’ll forgive them, considering André got up and ran a trivia contest at Worlds and he apparently got several of the answers wrong himself. :joy:

We aren’t the most well documented sport/hobby and it’s easy to get this stuff wrong when you find two sources online that are also wrong and don’t realize you need to find the third that is correct.

Also I think Jenn won 2A and Maya won 5A. They seemed to only focus on 1A, which means Kahli is the only one who actually got left out and TBH I’ve absolutely made that mistake myself because…Australian Nats make few waves over here and her wins were a very long time ago. (sorry Kahli, love you)


You also did an awesome job!

I think your delivery and commentary complemented Rainn’s quite well. Some of the same “let’s not take ourselves too seriously” vibe, while at the same time you somehow conveyed, “this is something meaningful and worthwhile, that I’m deeply invested in”.