Offstring with a Mighty Flea.
it’s bad but whatever
Offstring with a Mighty Flea.
it’s bad but whatever
Looping with budda king!
Doing Ladder Ecscape with a profly.
Walking the Dog with the S-Kon Nostalgia.
Using a boat for seasick. Trust me it’s much easier to land.
Wow thats gotta take some skill.
5a with a brain. Lololololololololololollol
Arm wrestling against JD?
Chopsticks with a Jirrorian.
Studio 42 leaving one sentence posts?
Me not yo-yoing ;D
Me selling a yyf 2.0 for $17 O.o
chopsticks with big yo
horizontal with a duncan imperial
horizontal with a duncan imperial
Any string tricks With an imperial
That guy has some skills! i wouldn’t even be able to land a kyo mount with that!
I have done chopsticks mount with a go big.
The second Vid of the 4a was me :D, instant replay ftw! and ive only been throwing for the since september O.o, any ways if you have a flea, try it!