Wachusett Yoyo Club!

There will be a meeting this Thursday! from 2:30 to around 5:00 or so. Let us know if you’re coming! We’ll give you the address and info and stuff once you message us, not putting it up publicly for a reason, lol.

Im going :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What a surprise

I’m 12 and I might be able only to visit once a month. Would that mess the Wachusettt yoyo club up?
Could I start coming? I would really like to, it’s the only yoyo club that’s remotely close to me. I live in Sudbury.

Yeah, that sounds okay. Our meets start at around 2:30 on most Mondays, so I’m assuming your schooling will keep you from getting there at the start. Sudbury is a decent way out from Holden, where we have our meets. Like around an hour? So It may not be practical for you to come right now, because our meets are over at around 5:00. So if your school gets out at around 3 or whenever, you wouldn’t be able to get to the meet in time. Just keep checking this thread for updates. Or, check out our facebook page at Wachusett YoYo Club

We are, however, currently looking for a place to host twice-monthly meets on weekends. We are aware that many people can’t come due to the timing. So, we will continue to post updates, and if you are interested in coming, or know you are able and want to come, let me or Tom (teekaycrunch) know about it by pming us.

Actually, I’m lucky enough that I could make it at maybe like 3:15. Is that okay?

I’ll talk to Tom about it. But, yeah, if you could make it at that time then that would be great. That’d give you a lot of time to throw. Just be aware that all of us are 14 or older.

I know, that’s why I asked if it would mess you up, it would for some people.

I let Tom know about it. He has yet to respond.

Edit: We just need a note from your parents saying that they are aware you are going to be there, and that it’s okay by them. Signed, too.


There will be a meet tomorrow!(Thursday) Let me know if you wish to come!

I might not be able to make it… :-
Could you maybe make some weekend days?
I’ll try to make it, but I’m not sure.

Also, can it be consistent? Like every Sunday or Monday?

It’s fine if you’re not able to make it, there will be many more. And yes, we are currently looking for a place to hold meets on weekends. Yes, We know that the meets right now aren’t consistent, but that is not in our control.

Oh… Sorry, didn’t know that.

I live in Leominster about 30 min away from Holden. I’d love to come meet everyone and throw

I’ll talk to Tom about getting another meeting date up. We’d love to have you come and throw!

Awesome man thanks for the help. Pm whenever you get more info. I just subscribed to your YouTube as well. Your nice dude

Thanks, I try. I think we’ll be able to have a meet the first week school gets back. Again, have to talk with Tom.

Ok awesome. Thanks again.

Any update on next meeting? I would def love to join if pos