Anyone here in or running a yoyo club?
Looking to make connections. We’re in New Bedford, MA
Anyone here in or running a yoyo club?
Looking to make connections. We’re in New Bedford, MA
I’m in Hudson, MA, but have not found any local clubs myself.
Right now I’m just running a school club. But it’s good to do this. Would love to see the tournaments/challenges happen.
I went to the Yoyo Expert Throwdown last fall in north/east Hampton. People came from NY, CT, RI, and surrounding states. Their A 2 Z science store has a yoyo school on Fridays and Saturdays I believe as well, its just kind of a hike to go often. hoping to get more details on the northeast regionals in jun…
Now that I have the kids involved, hopefully I can get a group to go next year.
Hi Melynda!
Its a little ways away for you, but I organize a club in Medford, MA (Boston YoYo Club)
We have a meeting this Friday March 24th 6:15pm-8:15pm - Our last meetup we had a decent turnout of 12 players from all over! MA/ME/Boston Areas
Facebook: Redirecting...
Let me know if you have any questions!
That’s awesome. Do you all have a flier I could share with my group? Because I run a school club, I can’t invite others. But I believe I’m up to around 10-15 kids!
Thanks. WE are a bit far but I put that up in my room. Good to see there are others around.
cool, can’t make it this weekend but hopefully will be able to at some point in the near future.
The New York Yo Yo Club is having a contest.