Video Battle Royale! Second half of round 1!

You’re going to have to get through MEEEEEEE First. Don’t get ahead of yourself buddy. But honestly, I think our battle is going to be close, if you don’t mind me speculating.

Not gonna lie. I have 3 or 4 clips already taken, but I’m Not sure which one I wanna use.

I also wanted to say that I’m pretty sure I met you at Cal States this year. You were standing behind me and my friend in the prelim line.

woooo 6-33 ;D

I had no idea whom I was going up against so I just threw a little combo in, don’t worry, I won’t make that mistake again :wink:

Yep that was me ^-^ i believe you were using a chief, 7075 if momeory serves. Actually, you were behind ME muahahahahahahahah ok Im done

I figured you were holding back. That’s what I did, too. Gotta save the good stuff just in case we make it to later rounds.

As much as I hate saying this, but it definitely seems like a popularity contest, I’ve heard he’s really good and all, but there has to be a reason I voted for you right? I thought your combo was REALLY good. Also, I’m sure you can do better, just saving it for later rounds, that’s what I did (part 1) but i lost :confused: lol

That Makes 3 then eh?
Lets see what you guys are in for!
Hope I Hit Josh too.

In case anyone was wondering, I basically threw everything I had on the table XD
If you’re gonna lose, might as well go all out.

4 :wink:


Josh is up against me next, I’m stepping up more than I wanted but since he has popularity + skill I’m gonna have to, I’ll probably do some of my best work this next round.

Has anyone confirmed with Josh that he’s going to be making a video for this round? He seemed to be indicating a hiatus…


I’ve had a little bit of trouble trying to make combos that have winning potential against certain people, an trying to save top tier tricks for later rounds if I make it.

7 :slight_smile: my favorite number lol

I held back a bunch but I kinda stepped it up for the next round cause my boy Alex is pretty beast and want to at least make it close when I whoop him ;p Jk buddy! I like my combo I recorded for my battle against Alex! Hopefully I stand a chance.

I still don’t know what my combo is for Joey. I can always use the video josh submitted for the first round if he wants.

You’re just like Alex and I, when we’re out in public random people ask who’s better of the two, and we always say we’re about the same we just have different styles and enjoy different tricks. Probably goes the same for you and him, but I’m looking forward to your guys’ battle.

I’ve been voting on these threads and there are some great throwers here on yoyoe. I liked all but one video in this round, hard to pick on some of them. Wish I was in this battle though, haha. I guess I will have to be more alert when this happens again. Can’t wait for the next thread, keep up the awesome work guys.

When I first made the thread I was hoping you would participate, Slade. You shoulda messaged me. I could have filled you in somewhere.

I didn’t even see it until you had the voting up for the first half of round one, haha. Oh well, it is too far under way now but hey I am enjoying the videos for sure. Also a few people have another subscriber as well, some awesome awesome stuff in this tournament.

Please don’t say it was mine XD