I’m looking for a new yoyo. I currently own the magic yoyo n12 and m002, and a replay pro. i would would like it to be under $55 but if it goes to 65$ ill deal woth it. i am thinking about horizon, too hot, vangaurd, and possibly cyborg 2 or maybe level 6.
any opinions
what one do you think is the best
Look into the aluminum dream or the rally both are nice. Of those I would go with the vanguard.
rally or vanguard?
I prefer the Vanguard
are there any yoyos in the $40 to $60 range that you think are better than the vanguard
It depends on your play style. I think an overall really good yoyo is the too hot.
They’re all so different…
do you think i should get the too hot over the vanguard
whats better
I’ve tried all those except the vanguard. I love my Too Hot it’s definitely one of my favorites, but can’t say anything about vanguard.
Any one else have anything to say? Too hot or vanguard?
Cyborg 2.0 da best.
I have not played any of the others on your list so I had to vote what I know.
I just got a Vanguard in for review and it plays amazingly well, especially at the price point.
The Vanguard plays incredibly well regardless of price point.
The TooHOT also plays incredibly well at any price point. I almost got one instead of an Isotope2 one day. Played them back to back and was like, “Yeah, I prefer the TooHOT”.
…and then later, walked out with a Nomad that day…
But regretted not getting a TooHOT! So I ordered one within a week. And I’ve had it and played it regularly ever since.
No idea bout the Vanguard.