Most Reccomended

Hi everyone. I’ve been doing a bit of research about what gets recommended the most, but I wanted to organize it a bit. The yo-yos that come up the most are ones like the Shutter, and the Dark Magic, and I was just wondering what the some other can’t fail options are. Specifically, because it interests me, in the $40 to $60 YYF range. Thanks for reading guys.

The Shutter is very popular, but I prefer the Too Hot especially for people that are a little new to throwing.

It’s very stable and it’s at the low end of the price range.

Too hot is just so amazing! Also The aluminum dream

The Too Hot is a great yoyo for it’s price. The Dark Magic is good for beginners because it comes with a slim bearing for responsive and a standard bearing for unresponsive, but if you already have some experience, I suggest the Mystery Box X which contains a Bi-Metal Superstar for $60. One of the best deals right now since the Bi-Metal superstar will probably go for a lot more once it is officially released.

You can buy the Bi-Metal superstar here

The Vanguard will see its YYE release tomorrow. One Drop $49 American made metal. I haven’t tried one yet, but this is soon going to be recommended a ton.

What about the 2015 Genesis? I LOVED the original Genesis (I had th on with hubstacks).