VA state Roll call

You’ll be able to try the few I have before. I’ll probably sell them for 70 since I’ll give a cheaper price as a special deal

I will be at VA states with this case of Gambits for anyone who wants to buy one! I’ll also have some in my collection for people to try before the buy.

noooo! I don’t have enough Money to buy one even if they look really cool!

I look sort of like this if you haven’t seen me before :slight_smile:

Want dat silver

I might get one… Yum Eating Forum Members…

so your a man eater?

Ill be there!

Got a Falcon Jab CLYW Chief for trade only preferable for another chief or a CLYW/OD/C3/YYR/G2 and so on.


Also, REALLY want to trade my 1/20 Prototype team test Code 2 (plays like a normal one, unengraved)

Ill be competing in prelims, this is my second yoyo contest, first time competing! Stoked.

I’ll be there, and I want one of those pink/purple Gambits.

I cant miss meeting you…

Please note the recent update to time and music handling.
Schedule for the contest is posted as well.

Please go here for any news and updates.
Official Va state contest thread


Aghhhh, I was going to go but change of plans, I have to go to Maryland on Saturday :-\

I was so excited too… Oh well… Next year…

My girlfriend will be there though, if you see a short 5ft asian(korean) teenage girl with straight black hair say hi haha, she doesn’t really know anyone

Wait why would your girlfriend be there and you won’t lol? Is she a yoyoer?

We were going to go together but now I cant go. She still wants to checkout the contest a bit to see what its like but she doesnt throw. She keeps saying she would suck, Ive tried 2 or 3 times. Maybe one of you guys could get her into it :smiley:

just tell her she will have company of sorts :wink: that and if she’s going make sure she has money cause I bet she Is going to buy a Yoyo there. Like I will be buying a kendama hopefully there for my friend since her birthday is the day of the Yoyo competition. So I figured I would buy something for her as a birthday present. So as she described it “just get me anything that isn’t a Yoyo cause I can’t bring a Yoyo back up” so I’m getting her a kendma.

My girlfriend will be there. it takes a girl to teach a girl. my gf refused to learn from me or get any help from me. our friends at TenYoYo helped her learn.

wow she is very strong headed. Also on another note I’m leaving for VA today after my sister has craft pack this I going to be awesome and best of all we can bring our dog to VA with us but he isn’t going to the competition though.

Hope to see you all!

Cheers! (Never used that haha<)

we are leaving right now super excited I got a movie on my iPod so I should be fine.

Im leaving at 4:-- because registration changed to 9:30…