Penn states?

Anybody have info on the Penn states?

This is all that I was able to find on it. Hope this helps! I’m sure more information will be available as the date gets closer.

Pennsylvania! I might be there!

And yes, I’ve noticed info on contest normally releases closer to the actual date :slight_smile:

same day as illinois :frowning:

If they post more information I might go :slight_smile:

You should go!

Gotta rep my home state haha!

How many forum members that I know are going?!?! It’d be a blast to meet you guys!

*probiscus is 1 :wink:

Joey and I plan on going.
I hope to bring at least 2+ club members, hopefully :slight_smile:

I’m going to this! It’s the closest contest to me I know of!

Everyone who says “this is the closest contest to me” should go.

It’s not everyday you get to meet fellow yoyoers. Plus, if this contest is a big hit, they will likely keep it going annually.

Home turf.

Yeah, I live in WV and before Ohio States was the most convenient. I’m definitely going this year if at all possible and I hope it becomes annual.

So… It seems there’s more of a chance of me going… I’ll already be in pa! The downside… I may have plans in pa that interfere! Can’t wait for the more info, so I can find out :slight_smile:

If you’re gonna be there with family…bring the whole family! :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, it’s actually a men’s retreat our church is having. Though I don’t know when the one ends and the other starts that’s why I’m eager to find out!
But I’d most likely be going with my dad. He’d be there with me at the men’s retreat, so he’d have to take me to the yoyo contest :slight_smile:

I’ll be there. This totally makes up for not being able to make Illinois. Registration is open :slight_smile:

Info UP! It’s going to be a blast. Still working out rules and regulations (trying to get it sanctioned by the NYYL) But that will be pretty standard.

Its in downtown Erie in a Hotel Ballroom very similar to the wyyc. Feel free to message me with any questions you may have.

also email me at

Like us on FB too! Redirecting...

We would really love to have the be a successful event so we can do it every year!

If I want to be an innocent bystander do I have to pay? And if so where? It was my understanding by the info if I was competing I was paying. Thanks :slight_smile:

booo i cant go my mom says its too far 8 hours away :frowning: