Up to $80!

My birthday is coming up and i get up to $200 but i wont be able to spend that much money on yoyos. Im looking for a metal, Please recommend some yoyos for me!

What are your preferences

i would go with a yoyofactory hectic its small and spins forever :slight_smile:

Foxland Precision Foxtail

I’d check out the Wedgie, CampFire, Atmosphere, ProtoStar, or Hectic, depending on what your preferences are.

Don’t buy a yoyo just because you have money. I have done so before, and it was a terrible mistake.

But if you must, try a YYF BOSS. It is a bit above your price range, but it is very nice. Or, try any of the YoYoFactory Fundametals - you will most definitely be pleased.

What yo-yo did you buy when you had money?

Dv888. its inexpensive but plays like 100+ dollar yoyo.


Dv888 is a really really really really really really really awsome yoyo if you get the amazingly good SPEC bearing. I just say that because I don’t know why but SPEC bearings tend to be a good or bad. if get the bad one it, it sucks from the beginning, if you get a good one it is super awsome. BTW they are all same with the SPEC bearings.

End of spec bearing talk and get back to topicWell it still depends on what you like so I suggest you to tell your preferences ( what shape you want it, how heavy etc.) It will make our life so much easier because “A Metal Yoyo” is too wide ranged.

But I still suggest the Dv888, but it is overall your choice