Unresponsive Yoyos

I just received my Shutter and it’s my first Yoyo that’s unresponsive. I realize I can’t seem to wind up the string like a responsive Yoyo. Is a snapstart the only way to wind up the string?

Sometimes when I snapstart it the string tangles up. When I throw it and put it on sleep I can bind it just fine without the strings tangling up.

Sorry for the newbie questions :stuck_out_tongue:

Loving the Shutter so far, makes yoyoing even more enjoyable.

I swear I’ve seen it in one of the “beginner” videos here or at another site, but to do a very basic manual wind-up, all you need to do is:

  1. hold the string against the ‘wall’ of the yoyo. So, the string is on the bearing, then there’s a centimetre or two of string, and then your finger/thumb is pressing it against one wall or another.
  2. start winding the rest of the string around the yoyo, while holding that segment in place. There will be a little “loop” that forms where you’re holding the string segment. This is OK.
  3. Once you feel that it is well started, you can release the digit holding the little loop against the wall, and wind the rest of the way.

Until you learn hand/snap starts and a reliable enough bind, you will probably do this a lot. You should try to alternate the direction you wind (sometimes forwards, sometimes backwards) to help combat the inevitable build up of “string tension”.

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Thank you Greg!

It’s very different compared to a responsive Yoyo. I much prefer unresponsive and looking forward to get better gradually.

Keep throwing, you will get better eventually

Visit the learn section on this site, it has everything you need to start unresponsive yo-yoing.

Good luck