hand starting

I having a lot of trouble hand starting the yoyo. I watched Andre’s video but I can’t seem to get it up. It just turns in a bunch of different directions. Help! Please (I hate winding up the yoyo)

I wish I had the answer I have the same problem as you I just can’t get it to spin real fast it spins for 2-5 seconds then dies on me >:(.

you will eventually get better but i just spin it quick and bind right after and it usually comes right back up. good luck

well try pushing into the string vary hard. also see if you can snap it as fast as you can and try popping it up it should grab and start to wind up. if your yo is unresponsive try binding as fast as you can. later.

keep it spinning

Sweet, Thanks, I’m kinda starting to get the hang of it, a little

Look at this video:

Have Fun Throwing,


Thanks a lot Samad. That really helps.

samad just like showing his videos… But they are helpful lol… Nice vid samad :wink:

oh wow, thanks for the tension stuff for unresponsive. i usually did it by hand, since i didn’t know how to work sidewinder with an unresponsive yoyo. thanks.

UFO works fine for me.

not sure if this will help but i find it works for me. when you go to snap the yoyo and make it spin snap your wrist as you snap. for me it helps the yoyo spin straight instead of wobbling. good luck and keep it spinning!!