well just like the title says i have a yomega dash and its uber responsive. an ideas to make it dead?
i cant find any silicone rings for it. and i dont even know if you guys use yomega
Clean the bearing
I made my Maverick unresponsive by just using tons of thin lube, and then it was completely unresponsive. Cleaning the bearing won’t do anything but just clean it. It’s the thin lube that will do it.
Totally wrong and backwards. Lots of lube will make a yoyo responsive. Cleaning a bearing will remove what is making it responsive. Then you add a tiny and I mean tiny amount of lube and you have a great unresponsive yoyo. The pads in the dash will take a little time getting into that sweet spot but once it is there it will stay there.
Clean it then barely thin lube it.
I also hear that you can use yyj o rings if you don’t like the response
I’ve also seen sili used but you have to be careful not to get any air bubbles or it will vibe like crazy…been there, done that But like Icthus said, once the response gets to that sweet spot, its by far one of the best throws in that price range.
I usually use a pin drop.
thanks guys that really helped alot. what should i clean the bearing with? last time i cleaned it i used gun cleaner and that help a small amount after it took me 4 hours of hard throwing to break it in.
I pulled out those rubber response pads and replaced them with some flowable silicone and cleaned the bearing and boom dead unresponsive.
Hey, that’s just what I did and it worked. But that’s just me…

thanks guys that really helped alot. what should i clean the bearing with? last time i cleaned it i used gun cleaner and that help a small amount after it took me 4 hours of hard throwing to break it in.
You can use lighter fluid, mineral spirits and a few other things. I suggest lighter fluid. Cheap, easy and if you want you can have a cookout.
You can
silicone it
change the response to YYJ O-rings
Clean the bearing (then lube it afterward)
Or just straight up break it in.
I bought a Maverick a couple weeks ago. The Dash and Maverick, and the Hotshot share the same response and bearing set up.
Yomega gets a lot of UNDESERVED flak for this yoyo, and I have no idea why. I know all about the worlds fiasco, but the yoyo should be judged on its own merits.
The fact it is responsive out of the package, something they advertise it to be, is I guess a bad thing.
Never mind that simply cleaning the bearing and playing with the yoyo for a day or so, and will have you playing with a quite unresponsive yoyo.
A day or two longer and it is totally unresponsive.
Its a great yoyo to learn how to bind with as you get a few days before you really need to bind it back up.
At first it will be very forgiving to bad/weak binds, but as you play more they, your binds will get better, and the yo becomes more unresponsive.
If you want a responsive yoyo back you dont need to replace the pads, justa shot of thick lube on the bearing will have you back to tug response.
I love my maverick.
ive had my dash for over a month and i throw it everyday for at least an hour and i cant even do plastic whip with it