Wow, thank you for all of that! That’s the kind of info I’ve been trying to find, without really knowing where to start, or how to ask for it. The others were certainly a huge help, but I think it even had some of them scratching their heads a bit.
I’ve gone over the bearing seat with a magnifying glass and there’s nothing in there. I ran a toothpick along the inside and hit it with compressed air to be sure. Re-cleaned the bearing and hit it with air, too.
Maybe this is a dumb question, but I could I be over tightening it?? I’m not cranking on it or anything, I stop when it’s firm. I’m hesitant to leave it any more loose for fear that it will unscrew during play and I’ll be chasing two runaway half’s down the hall
I know we established that the string has little to do with the problem, yet switching to a Markmont string seems to have made the most noticeable difference, though. It’s a VERY fine string. At first I wondered if it was old because it felt stiff. For whatever reason it does not get eaten, and acts like you’d expect on an upward tug.
Maybe even the Kitty String is just too thick or fuzzy for it?
Can you elaborate a little more on the Side Effect bit? When you say poorly assembled, do you mean by OneDrop, or something I’m doing wrong?
I put the Ultralights in the DeepState, and the vibe went with them. I think, maybe, they’re just not great ones. The hub style ones are in the Cascade and the vibe is gone. At least there’s that.
You can’t over tighten Side Effects. With other yo-yos, yes, it can be over tightened, but mostly that results in a broken yo-yo. OD put out a video about cleaning side effects, and the last thing he says to do is give it an extra turn to tighten it.
As far as the string goes, if the string is sufficiently stiff, I think I’ve observed it affect on binding normally. the bind relies on the string actually wrapping around the bearing, and a stiff enough string resists curving. I’ve only ever used one Markmont. string ever; the one that came with my MCMO. I did notice that it was stiffer than a lot of other strings. I foolishly cut it really short for my nephew. I didn’t really know what I was doing back then (2 summers ago).
I watched that video about the side effects, and lubed them just in case that was causing some issues. I must have missed the part about adding some extra oomph when tightening, but it’s good to know I can’t and haven’t been over tightening.
As for the string, I say it felt stiff because it doesn’t feel soft like Kitty String, or even like just 100% polyester string. The string itself still moves and all that like string should, it doesn’t lack any movement. It’s just a very unique feel that I’ve never felt before. It’s hard to describe because, comparatively, it does have a rigid feel. It binds amazing though, and has a very cool snap! on a good bind.
It has a very tactile feel to where I can tell how much tension is in it just by how the feel of it has changed. Definitely a huge fan of it. Supposedly each string is guaranteed for one year, regardless of how often you use it, and you wash it in the laundry to renew it.
I’m at a complete loss for what’s going on at this point. I’ve checked, rechecked, cleaned, re-cleaned, gone through all my canned air blasting it and the bearing. Literally gone over it with a magnifying glass. The Markmont string and changing the SE’s got me 90% there, but not all the way. It’s been my favorite throw for years. Stored in a padded soft case, always kept away from the kids and packed carefully for my move in December. I’m pretty much back to the vengeful yoyo god theory.