Unpopular Yoyo Opinions

I understand the difference. I don’t care where a string is made or how many are made at one time…if I like it, to me it’s good string for me. I’ve had bulk brands as well as boutique brands that were not to my liking. Not bad, just not my thing. Just because someone makes it in their kitchen doesn’t make it good and just because it’s made in a factory doesn’t make it bad.


Same here. I get very little enjoyment out of watching someone play. Now if it’s someone here posting how happy they are to land a new trick, it’s great to watch and support them. But that’s a different beast than a competition routine.


spingear SGHG is the best bulk string

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For what its worth and in reference to what @Durfee said, I’ve had kitty snap on me. Was in my first couple months of yoyoing. It also absorbed the Florida humidity like a sponge. I used white kitty though at that time.

I like using a bulk string for grinding out stuff. Something cheap that can get the job done. Right now its sochi T because I’m in favor of blends right now. But my favorite blend is one that zipline makes. The reasoning is simply because of how comfortable it is and idk if its the quality of the poly and nylon but I never saw it fray. I had one on my Evora that I used daily since the beginning of December and I just threw it in the trash two days ago. I dont know if I could pull almost 3 months worth of use on a bulk string


You’re completely ignoring that the material and method used produces different results so my point stands.


Also. I’m not here to argue it. I just wanted to share why I use what I use. My rational to why I think the botique string I use is worth 2$ for 3 when 3 strings can last me 9 months if I wanted it to


I think snow tires are pretty lame. My Akita went from a yoyo that wanted to snag on a trapeze to a performance machine when I flowed my own response and made it slightly more shallow.


The markmont is not a great yoyo


I’ve never played a string until it was unplayable before. I like a fresh feeling string. Fortunately, my favorite string - orange Kitty fat is cheap enough. It just has a feel that clicks with me. Half of my yoyos have boutique strings that I’ve tried and like a lot. @Roy_Dodge made me realize the importance of finding the right string for the right yoyo. If I found a boutique string that had the same feel as orange Kitty fat and kept that special fresh feeling for a long time I’d buy lots of it. I love supporting small businesses.


I’m not in a battle with you. You like what you like and I will like what I like. All that matters to me is how the string acts with my yoyo and how it feels on my hands and on my finger. How it was made, with what it was made, or where it was made means very little to me.


Completely agree. The Akita has a narrow gap (4.35mm), which makes snow tires even grabbier. I find flowable silicone helps the performance of any snow tire yoyo. But, recessed (which I don’t normally do) silicone on the Akita was a game changer. It went from being a good throw to one of my absolute favorites.


I have a Duncan Roadrunner with a 4.1 gap. The pads do not stick out of the seat (they are clear) but the gap is just so…small. Multiple string wraps causes slow down in spin and weaker binds unless I keep combos short. Would flowable really make a difference if the pads it came with don’t rise above the pad seat?


I don’t know if I’m a cool kid, but I’m a big supporter of doing things with yoyos. Or learning how to do more things with yoyos.


I would say recessing (using a spoon or corner of a credit card) silicone could make a significant difference. If you leave it level, the difference will depend on how grabby the stock pads are.


Snow tires are amazing in some responsive yoyos.


Snow tires + Thick lubed full size flat bearing = OG Moonshine modern responsive excellence


you’re not cool… you’re amazing, and you have a sense of humor which is encouraging and makes you approachable.

when someone mentioned speed combos yesterday i was going to mention you, and that fact. your ‘style’ make the ‘speed’ that much more enjoyable…

i was more referring to the ‘git gud’ meme crowd that tends to dominate ‘the scene’
looking down their long pimply noses at us old folks


Very unpopular indeed. Well played!


it’s a good yoyo. i’ve owned probably 7… in the end, i always end up moving them along. as it’s a bit big for my tastes, and not an organic panacea.

$145 for a prototype was a bit high i think too.


I’ve had three and finally found the one I like. I actually prefer the One Drop pyramatte finish to a blasted finish, which I guess is its own unpopular opinion.