Unpopular Yoyo Opinions

Hey now!!! I met 3/4 of my wives on Tinder…wait maybe that’s not a good thing :thinking:


Angel Hair yoyo string was enjoyable to use.

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90s yoyo boomer rant incoming

Unresponsive just really isn’t that interesting tbh. It’s “easy mode” and makes you a lazy thrower. Try that trick again on a responsive and see how far it gets ya. Oh messed up did ya? Yeah maybe learn a little precision and control instead of throwing around all willy nilly and such.

End rant :wink:


soooooooo… we need more votes in the “40s” range in a group i’m
in… i have some paperwork for you to look at if you care to and have some time


I thinks it BS people are trying to sell used yoyos for the price they want. I’ve seen people try and sell used magic yoyos for full price. yoyos with scuffs for 5-10$ off full price. ok rare yoyo or old or special. fine. but come on…
also speed combos are not fun to watch, yea its impressive but I like style so much more.


Exactly what a friend told me. Unresponsive is so you can practice your tricks. Responsive proves you can do them.:+1:


Yoyoing with the yoyo attached to the string is easy mode and like a kiddy bike with training wheels.


4a and diabolo for the win😉

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Not enough yoyoers can Yoyo with their non dominant hand.


The only good strings are sold in packs of 5.
Edit: I meant this sarcastically.


Strings sold in packs of 5 are 10 times more durable than those in packs of 50


You need to define what it means to be able to yoyo, lol. I have been on and off (mostly off lately unfortunately) trying my hands at 2A yoyoing, and to practice would just do forward passes with 2 well matched wooden fixies. As it turns out, it wasn’t long before I could do trapeze (and his brother) stalls left handed, and even landed a kickflip once. It was amazing to see how muscle memory CAN be transferred between one side to the other, but it takes a bit of practice to realize it. Every yoyoer should definitely mess with this stuff at one time or another. I haven’t practiced enough left handed unresponsive to get anything other than awkward binds, but I can do purely basic “tricks”.

I think most yoyoers just want to get better one handed than to try and test their skill with their non-dominant hand. But 2A, that stuff is just so cool that yoyoers should want to learn it. But, ill be damned if im not just humbled every time I practice and make no progress at all. Looping continuously looks easy but is just so damn hard. I can’t do more than 2 loops of any sort with my dominant hand before the yoyo tilts out. But I can do around the world with one hand, and a forward pass with the other. That’s cool, right? :sweat_smile:


cool kids expect everybody else to
do more with their yoyos


I see these different styles and whatnot. Some hard, some easy, some cool, some uncool. But what I don’t see is enough yoyoers yoyoing while eating green eggs and ham, or yoyoing while walking 5 miles uphill in the snow. Some might say this is an unpopular view, but I’ll ask them… hey, have you ever tried it?


In my opinion and in my experience, small packs just means the maker makes them in smaller quanities. Small packs don’t automatically make them more enjoyable or of higher quality. It’s all subjective though. Some companies have to make their string available in bulk because of the demand by amateurs as well as pros. It’s just personal preference. There’s bulk as well as boutique that I do not like at all.

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I am sure it works both ways. I’ve had new boutique string break on me but never had a new Kitty or MFD bust on me and send a yoyo across the room. If Kitty only sold in packs of 5 people would call it boutique. It’s just personal preference. Small packs don’t guarantee a single thing.


I hear you. However, maybe it’s just me but I find it much more fun to yoyo than to watch others yoyo. So I am not terribly concerned about how much fun things like speed combos are to watch; I mostly really only care about how fun they are to execute.


The only people I watch yoyo are videos here on the forums or tutorials. Competitions are kinda boring but that’s not a diss - just not my thing.


Nice :sweat_smile:


I don’t think you understand the idea of what qualifies as a boutique string. One is made in gigantic batches in factories, the other is made in small batches by necessity because they’re made with small rigs using more effort and more expensive materials.

Kitty string is bulk no matter how many in a package. Bulk isn’t descriptive of the amount you buy, it’s the amount and quality of string you make before selling. Kitty string will have terrible tension and fray incredibly quickly regardless of how many you buy.

I get that some people see nothing wrong with bulk but that’s because YOU don’t notice the difference, not because the difference in quality isn’t there.