I have a lot of flat bearings, most of them pulled from my One Drops. I don’t like them. But that doesn’t mean they are bad bearings. To the contrary, One Drop 10-ball flat bearings are exceptional bearings in terms of build quality and spin performance. Unfortunately they induce precession like crazy, so I have no use for them.
yeah… in the furnace where they can melt away.
What do you mean by “they induce precession like crazy”?
I’m not sure what is ambiguous about what I wrote, but to quote yoytricks:
“…the flat shape allows the string to sit wherever it wants to on the outer race, causing the yoyo to become unbalanced and to turn (precess) while spinning.”
It is simply the nature of flat bearings and the physics involved in a spinning yoyo.
Being a skateboarder I feel that flat bearings are like riding loose trucks. They let me carve and jam around in the corners a little more and loosen up my style. Probably why old school players look so smooth they are use to playing loose. The current whippy Meta can be a bit stiff IMO.
well considering I’ve never heard or seen the word precess used before, that’s what was ambiguous. The word also didn’t show up in my browser’s dictionary so i wasn’t sure if you’d typo’d something or what.
Simply not everyone knows all the physics terms involved with playing with a toy
open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning
What! You are not allowed this opinion. Not because it’s wrong or right but because it goes against the yoyo collective! Get it together be assimilated! Individuals, who needs 'em.
But isn’t this true of any bearing? I’m pretty sure no bearing balances the yoyo. If you let you yoyo just rest at in the bottom of the string it will tilt one way or the other.
Im a teacher, and like the flat vs centering bearing debate, there is a PhD there’s to be written on why kids seems to consistently refuse to use capitals and fullstops (periods) in their writing. It’s driving me insane.
Yes, but the scale of the effect is (I believe) in proportion to the distance the string is away from the center line. Different centering bearing guide the string towards the center line to differing degrees, whereas flat bearings do nothing in this regard.
Moreover, precession is mitigated by the gyroscopic force of a spinning yoyo, which is why precession is far more proncounced, regardless of bearing type, when the yoyo is just dangling dead on the string.
The effect of “centering” bearings is overstated.
The yoyo market is NOT oversaturated.
I agree with point #2 only.
Same here. But for #1, I suppose it depends on which of the myriad interrelated effects we’re talking about, along with one’s definition of “overstated”.
That’s a gem.
Yo-yos make a good topic for a physics project. Wait… that is a popular opinion as it should be.
A-RT has some really bad quality control
oooooh, sick burn
Yo-yoing actually defies physics. Issac Newton said that “what dose up must go down,” but with a yoyo, it is more like, “what goes down must go up.”
Thanks buddy!