@MarkD is a fine example for this. I can see how to some it looks like “trying too hard” but in Mark’s case it was just tons of extra heart and love put into it. I mean the dude knitted pouches for like 70 diffraction v2s lol. And those stickers are like… KAZAAM
As much as I like the Diffraction V2, the stickers were cool, but the hand knitted pouch maybe uneccesary. It does show a lot of love, though.
With my sk8er I got some freaky looking Lego man with a skateboard. A waste of money and uneccesary.
I don’t need a ton of stickers, cookies, Lego men or anything else. I just need the yoyo.
Yea idk about lego men lol. Thats not my cup of tea either. But home made cookies are my jam!
yeah, i’m down to snack bro
The pouch is how I discovered that André used to knit! Totally worth it.
Seems we both agree on this. I don’t need stickers, toy pieces, and a lock hair from company owner’s dog’s firstborn puppy. Just sell me a good YoYo. Focus on yoyo design and not package design.
Look for his other site “KnittingExpert”
How do I charge 140$ for a monometal without it?
Atleast they arnt 350$ with vibe. Ayyy
: /
Im sorry durf… lol. No shade intended. I hope you get it sorted out bro
I know. Remember internet is serious business.
Is it an unpopular opinion that my Tivayder is only used as a sparkler?
It’s got to be a very fancy metal.
I get it that small runs are more expensive per unit than big runs. Economy of scale and such. Not even factoring in B-grades. I feel for the startup companies who think making yoyos is their ticket to Easy Street.
Consumables are ok by me.
+1 for a brownie.
+1.5 for a brownie with pecans.
+100 for a corner brownie with pecans.
Maybe this is aimed at me a little. I don’t mind of course.
I think presentation is important. I put a lot of myself into everything I put out. Including the packaging and the yoyo. I spend ages agonising over how a yoyo should play and perform. I don’t spend as much time on packaging, even though there’s a lot of stuff in the fancy box. I know the boxes and packaging and once I have a routine, it’s not as much work as you might think.
I still agree the yoyo is the most important part. If the yoyo is trash, it doesn’t matter if it comes with diamond rings, it’s still a trash yoyo. A nice unboxing experience is still a good thing though. You don’t have to keep or use the stickers, but it’s nice to have that option.
the corners are the best thing about brownies
Unpopular opinion: The yoyo Krampus comes to take those who have not shared nor given joy to others through yoyoing. Those taken have their yoyos dispersed among the masses, never to yoyo again. Usually occurs in the month of January but on rare occasion Krampus pops up just for his amusement in other months as well.
Unpopular opinion:
The flickering effect LEDs have when shooting video at high framerates actually looks good in a trickcircle, especially if the trick that’s being landed is a banger.
Unpopular opinion
I hate the OG Shutter. Thought it was a garbage throw. The rest were fine but the original was terrible