I fully understand that art is subjective. That being said, the artwork for A-rt yoyos reminds me of things I drew back in kindergarten.
I think that’s supposed to be part of their charm.
Unknown branding would be much cooler if they didn’t pick the most boring color for their collaborations. Black yo-yos are entirely not exciting.
Solid black is my favorite yoyo colorway, and even I refer to it as “boring black”.
Yes!!! I prefer collecting yoyos in black, including several Unknown editions among them. I think they look sleek and modern. They’re the Steve Jobs turtle neck of yoyos – boring yet iconic!
I’d dislike it less if it weren’t every collab they do. On discord I’m being told the color is part of their branding but I’ve seen a gold collab they did.
And imo their artwork/logo is more central to their branding than a color.
Unknown brand/aesthetic does absolutely nothing for me. The have cool engravings tho.
Dear Mods,
You can close this thread now, we were successful in identifying the most unpopular yoyo opinion @Durfee /jk
Joke aside, as I buy more yoyos I do find myself gravitating towards Blackout bimetals (e.g. Banshee ss, Hunmingbird) clear for yoyos that have simple clean design (e.g. Cadence ES), And other classy but boring colours like brown.
Granted I haven’t had a lengthy experience and I’m still developing my preferences everyday, I do quite enjoy using unassuming mundane looking yoyos and coupled with my flashy () tricks. which helps me look human
I’m in a middle ground where I don’t like over the top designs that make yo-yos look like 5$ toys but I also find the extremely simple stuff boring a lot of the time. That’s why I like the bimetal styling so much. Simple colors but not boring.
Only if you had my level of skills that made boring yoyos look like magic
It’s definitely easier to tell people you yoyo as an adult when you’re not using a purple yellow orange lime green splash fade.
Splash yoyos suck.
Solid colors are the best.
If you like splash yoyos, you suck too.
^ nice
but you know what’s better than solid? RAW BABY
Packaging new yoyo with lots of ‘goodies’ looks like you’re trying too hard. Let the yoyo speak for itself.
Good Aluminum YoYos seem to play better and smoother than their Titanium counterparts.
Um… no. That’s not the case
Wouldn’t it be cool if people were driving around with Spin Worthy air fresheners in their car though?
I like getting a couple stickers, especially good quality ones, to put on my plastic case.
Have you gotten a Mk1 yoyo? He has some cool stickers.
Edit: nvm saw your IG
Perfect example. 2 small, high quality stickers. Love those reflective ones.