Unpopular Yoyo Opinions

Yes but the problem is that
A. No disrespect meant, but David seemed visibly annoyed with the suggestion. Maybe so because he had just responded to around 200 grievances in the same thread and was probably getting annoyed with it
B. I’d say the vast majority of people disagree with the idea of shipping yoyos with bearing blanks.


You don’t wanna be annoyed, don’t start a business :wink:

I was impressed he was in there listening and replying in good faith for the most part, TBH


I strongly dislike this debate, because there is no clear winner. The debate boils down to a spectrum of business vs sentiment.

One would argue that outsourcing is the best way to manufacture a product. “It is hard to kick against the goads.” And to do so is plain foolish.

The other would argue that there is a strong sentimental value in manufacturing a product locally, and sourced from local materials.

The former sees the latter as ridiculous and hopelessly inconsistent (which isn’t completely untrue), favoring a romantic facade of deluded reality over rigid and factual benefits of playing the game by the book;

The latter sees the former as cold and void of dignity (which also isn’t completely untrue), favoring profits and busines growth over subjective ethical standards and the unique satisfaction of keeping manufacturing local in a global economy.

Can the former be blamed for making equitable business decisions? Is it fair to label them greedy?

Can the latter be blamed for making business decisions that do not bear against their conscience? Is it fair to label their efforts a marketing ploy?

It’s an age old debate.

Dr. Mckoy vs Mr. Spock.

Localism vs globalism.

Logic vs sentiment.

On paper, there is no clear winner. In reality, globalism will win. It is winning.

In my opinion, localism is a form of protest against globalism, not inherently a marketing ploy. Is it futile? Probably. But it feels so right!


You should just make 500 copies of Luftverk bearing blanks and then sell them for charity.


I got dibs on numbers 69 and 420.



I think having stuff produced locally/something like onedrop where they machine they’re own yoyos is a good thing.

But it bothers me when people seem to talk about this issue from a nationalistic sense.
There is no reason for manufacturers to not be outsourcing to China. It’s cheaper and produces the better product.

I’m sure that if you talk with people deeply knowledgeable in business practices around the world, including the way labor is treated, the effects of globalism on society and culture, etc. you will hear a whole bunch of reasons for and against outsourcing to China (or other countries where the culture and living standard is vastly different from our own).

Globalism may be winning (and unstoppably so), but it isn’t necessarily benefiting everyone equally or fairly.


This is why above I mentioned the only way to change things is through democratic economic powerhouses using their economic and political influence to shift these conditions. Even if buying only made in and sourced from USA (which I can pretty much guarantee is basically impossible to do for all goods and products) you’re still not doing anything to improve the lives of the grossly underpaid, overworked and unsafe workers in other places. You may not be giving these awful
companies your money and that’s noble, but it doesn’t help those workers.

The problem is most countries that could make a difference need these other countries as trading partners and military allies and aren’t in the position to do too much.


Yes, the problem is more complex and nuanced than most people think. Over-simplified solutions like tariffs, boycotts, and imbalanced trade agreements aren’t really long-term solutions. But they placate voters, and so that’s what our politicians typically push for.


No politics please folks. Thanks. :slight_smile:


Sure, silence the truth seeker because it makes you uncomfortable.


Actually @smileypants707, it’s one of the forum rules not to discuss politics.


Nah that’s not it. Once the rules have been read all will be understood. :laughing:


@Glenacius_K @skitrz

Sure, that’s fine. I get it. There is a reality unfolding beneath our very feet that most people are not aware of. And we’re just not going to talk about that here, because rules said so. Oh, and yoyos. Yay toys.


So what prevents you from discussing with like minded members via pm or going to other sites to discuss politics and religion? This is not our house, we are guests.


Nothing prevents me from doing that. This is just a subject that I am passionate about, and I feel like it would be dishonest of me to hide it from public discussion.


I’ve spoken my peace, and my comment was removed. I have a clean conscience about that. That is more valuable to me than having said nothing at all.

I do like this community, and I do not wish to cause anymore drama than I already have.

Carry on citizens, nothing to see here.


Here’s one:

Gloves are lame! Also, almost always too small.


My dad could beat up your dad.


That opinion only seems to be unpopular with competitors. It seems to be the prevailing opinion for everyone else (not counting me; I prefer gloves even though they are inconvenient, and I’m certainly not a competition player).

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