Unpopular Yoyo Opinions

That’s not an unpopular yoyo opinion, it’s just an opinion. My dad could destroy your dad with a yoyo! That’s an unpopular yoyo FACT! :rofl:


Do you find gloves hot? I’ve not used gloves much and I’ve also wondered if they are less effective when dirty. Please, do tell!

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I wouldn’t know what gloves are like when they are dirty. My hands don’t get sweaty when I yoyo (I don’t play for long enough stretches for that to happen), and I generally clean my hands before yoyoing if they are sweaty or dirty to begin with.


I see. Are all gloves created equal? Is there a thickness where it becomes difficult to feel the string? I have occasionally yoyoed in ski gloves, but wouldn’t recommend it. Can’t feel a thing lol.

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It depends a lot. I have only used the one that came with my brother’s N12 and it is really good. You can definitely see it has worn out but it still does its work perfectly, and I’ve been using it for about 4-5 months I guess

Full glove or the partial?

3 fingers one. The same as billiard gloves

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Yeah, my favorite gloves so far have been the MagicYoyo gloves that come with their inexpensive throws.

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It’s great that competitors and I are on the same page!

I’ve always found gloves a bit of a buzz kill for me. I kinda tend to throw whenever I can and if I have to think “Oh man, where’s my power gloves!?” then I think it would limit me more to when I can throw.

Do you use gloves a lot? Do you find it helps?

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I’ve recently ordered some billiard gloves that look exactly like yoyo gloves to see how they work.

If you don’t like gloves, then you aren’t on the same page as competitors. Most of them seem to use gloves when they compete.

At first I wore them just to avoid string burn. But then I found that it helped keep the string from “grabbing” my fingers due to friction, and I could control where the string wrapped around my fingers, making adjustments easily during a trick in order to set up the next trick in a combo. I’ve sorta become dependent on them now, which is probably not ideal, but it is what it is. :man_shrugging:

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IMO it depends. When I play for a long time and I feel unfonfortable with the string friction I use them. Sometimes I just want to use it and sometimes don’t. I’ve no problems at all feeling the string when I use it.

I’ve got nothing against gloves, just haven’t ever used them. If it works for you it’s perfect!

And no economics!:crazy_face:

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This reminded me that I want to get some gloves again.

Yes, talk of economics always makes me look for my gloves jj


My comment about “not being on the same page” was specifically for Lukoyo, who I may have confused with the wording of my previous post.

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Yeah, that did confuse me. Me and my brain and you with your wordz!

If you like them, then great and I can see how it would benefit competitors and serious players. I’ve never got on with them myself, probably not tried the right ones.

I chose to use gloves from the very start, so I never went through a phase without them. Gloves are the norm for me, and not wearing them feels weird. Most yoyoers don’t start out wearing gloves, and so putting them on probably feels weird to them.

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You mean about flat bearings, right?!?