Unpopular Yoyo Opinions

I didn’t mean to offend anyone with my statements but I guess that is the point of this thread. For me personally I would become self conscious of I wore a glove or belt clip. I am not with how I handle myself. Thus no glove. Also never needed one.


(Ok yeah I had to go looking for it.)


You didn’t offend me my man!

My post was all love, I just want you guys to be confident with yoyoing, because it truly is an awesome thing, and anyone who doesn’t think so isn’t worth your time anyway :+1::+1:


I’m not going to go out of my way to get a rhinestone yo-yo, but if I can get one for cheap.

I think it would look it’s best as part of a collection

We made a Bi-Metal Genesis and a bimetal VK. Catch 22 was obviously Bi-Metal too.

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Oh yeah 2014 right?


The Mighty Flea is the best yoyo ever
(might)y even compete with it at worlds

Ooh here’s a nasty one

The purpose of Duncan inventing 5a is to break as many Yo-Yos and windows as possible, making people buy more metal racers, making Duncan richer. And they also patented counterweights, so people are forced to buy only Duncan counterweights to make people drop more cash in Duncan counterweights for profit!!!

Well I use my own design, The Legendary Fancy Lego Counterweight®️™️ as a method of saving 6 bucks. (omegalul)

“sir you have violated copyright laws.”


These are words to live by right here. At the end of the day, what random people think of you ain’t gonna change the way mustard taste. Be yourself and be confident, and nothing you do will be “dorky.”
I was at a Kohl’s yesterday with the wife, and I was throwing while she browsed the clearance rack. I got quite a few compliments from random people, and I’ve only been throwing a year so I’m just doing basic combos of things like branding and skin the gerbil or boing e boing, barrell rolls, and pop n fresh. Non yoyoers will be impressed by the fact the yoyo doesn’t come back when you tug it, anything beyond that is pure mindblowing to them.


:thinking: citation needed.


Vibe is nice to feel the yoyo’s spin


Was any of that unresponsive play? I couldn’t tell if you were landing in binds or were tug responsive. Sick video, your style is really damn cool dude.

Thanks. That vid is 100% unresponsive.


Damn dude, you bind more naturally than I breath! That vid totally makes me want to incorporate more stalls and regens into my unresponsive play.

Regens are the best - sometimes I go up to a full hour just doing regens, realizing later I haven’t done a single trick

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You can license the rights to sell your own counterweight (i.e. the Ultraweight or Takeshi Dice).
Also, this doesn’t stop you from making your own, you just can’t sell them without purchasing licensing rights.

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You posted a bearing yoyo video shortly after you played the Eh for the year. I immediately thought “that’s a game changer” (I may have posted that actually lol). I really think your whole year focus on a tug responsive yoyo made you maybe the most unique bearing player alive.


If you don’t make the yoyos yourself, you’re a yoyo designer only.



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This trick

Is this generation’s version of Yuuki Spencer’s Rejection to Upside-down GT that everyone used to do.

And it annoys me to no end without any apparent reason more than it is overused. I refuse to learn that trick. Not even the brent stole + reverse bs + rejection ninja vanish gives me that sense of apathy that the first trick gives me.