Unique yoyo

What are some of the most unique yoyos you have used? Maybe it’s the shape, feel, color way, different components (hub stacks would be an example), and so on. Please explain. :slight_smile:

The TOO Hot has a unique feel compared to my very little experience.
The shape is not your standard V, W, O, or H.
It’s sort of like V and O had a baby.
I like it a lot though. Very comfortable once you get used to it.

To be unique, you have to go to an extreme.

Werrd Pacquiao: extremely light
H5xChief: extremely big (yet with a new string, still somehow has a liveliness to it!)
YYF Superwide/Monster: extremely wide
Anglam Angle XS (or YYF Popstar): extremely small
YYF Mighty Flea: even smaller! The extremely smallest

Well, all my throws are pretty unique. My Terrarian, being SO FLIPPING WIDE , my Marvel, because of the undercut, and my Borealis, with the funky cup and nipple. I wonder what would happen if these were mashed together (maybe not so wide, but with the grooves of the Terrarian) it would probably be one of the most unique yoyos ever. Well, maybe. Keep that off-record unless it actually happens.

The luchador was very unique for it’s time. The 401k was and still is pretty unique as well.

I’d have to say the Monkeyfinger Lesula has the most unique shape I’ve tried. As for my beloved fixies, The OUT Free Spirit is the most unique due to its massive size and weight.

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Buzzon Menehune, and element x with a B bearing spr recessed.

Yomega Brain.

Horizon has a very interesting proflie. The CLYW Cliff also.

My ILYY Trvth and Whimsy Lessur are pretty unique, and the seed from Xcubed has been the biggest honkin throw I’ve thrown.

Masamune: being made out of Alumigo Hard and it’s very light feel.
Hideyoshi: being the first trimetal and has a very unique feel on the string.

YYF Atlas is unique because of it’s width
Cliff and Phoenix both have a unique undercut

My YYF TI Dream. Blue on the inside. And Silver on the outside. This one is truly unique amd one of a kind.

I’m gonna have to go with the Flea, Superwide, Elysian, Too Hot, and Knight.

The Knight has a very unique feel among my collection. Feels light as a feather but snaps back with some serious power. Flea is just tiny and near impossible to use without a ton of patience, Superwide is just…really wide. Elysian and Too Hot have an interesting shape, love doing finger grinds with them.

I’d say the Too Hot as well. It’s nothing like any of my other Yo Yo’s but now I’ve gotten used to it I love it. Going to buy myself another one soon I think.