i’ve only unscrewed my Umbra twice when i had to, but the second time it squeaked really loud. i had this happen to my first N12, then it stripped a week later. any suggestions on how to fix this?
and it introduced a noticeable amount of string vibe, not fingernail vibe though.
The squeaking is from the bearing seat being a bit tight. Just close it carefully and slowly and it should be fine. I’ve opened/closed my Umbras pretty frequently and haven’t had any of them strip, though a couple of them do squeak.
If you’re picking out knots I’d recommend a wooden toothpick or something similar. Saves time vs. unscrewing.
yeah, @FrankieJR gave me some wood knot pickers, and they work great.
PLEASE tell us when you get this problem worked out…it’s a sad situation.
i will.
Also, while you’re screwing it together, you can watch the gap to see whether it’s closing all the way. If it’s not closed 100% that can definitely cause vibe. Let me know how it turns out!
i will! it didn’t cause any fingernail vibe, but it did introduce string vibe.
That’s odd. I usually notice fingernail vibe before vibe on the string.
Try fully pressing the bearing on to the bearing seat before screwing it together.
@jhb8426 yes, i shall try this, it sounds like it’ll fix it? but i don’t really know.
I agree with this.
Did you resolve this problem?
not yet, but Mark’s sending some bearings that fit the Umbra a little looser.
got the bearings from @MarkD, and the vibe and squeaking is gone!
thank you all for the advice!
I got a bad knot in my Topyo Mojo several months ago and took it apart very carefully. When I put it back together very carefully I got a very noticeable vibe. Does not effect the way it plays at all except for the very significant pulsing vibe. I switched axles and bearings and can not find or see any problems at all. I did not want to say this until you had your problem resolved because it may have made you lose hope with your brand new yoyo. I am glad you got it working it again!
that’s nice of you! but if the yoyo did fail, without me really beating it up, and it coming to me like that, i would have talked to Mark about replacing it.
I know you have already resolved this issue, but I’d like to offer a little advise.
I like to lubricate tighter bearing seats (aka “tapers”). Especially ones that squeak, or feel especially snug. No need to go crazy excessive with it, just enough to coat the surface.
thanks bro, i will look into that.
Any bearing lube should do, I was just pointing out that OD’s v4m says on the container that it can be used for posts too. That’s where I got the idea.
good to know, thanks.