Did you try flipping the axle so the side with the Allen wrench hole is facing the other direction?
I have an Overdrive Draupnir, and flipping the axle is the difference between significant vibe and glass smooth. It can be tuned with it the “wrong” way, but the other way I don’t have to worry about it at all.
I switched the axle around, flipped the bearing, pushed down lightly on the bearing seats and put on a new string and 75% of the vibe is gone. Thing is, I don’t remember if it ever had a little vibe out of the box. I do not remember my original assessment of it. I once had a weird vibe on my Duncan Windrunner and then it magically disappeared after not throwing it for a week. Does anyone have a Mojo and if so do you remember if it had a little vibe when you got it?