Uh oh..... now I like thin strings

And have pet YoYo Fish!


Yea Iā€™m not going to debate you lol, but I also would not classify Blue Eyed White Dragon as ā€˜thinā€™ being that itā€™s the same thickness as Dragon. We actually have a Draken thickness version coming down the pipeline.

Again I personally wouldnā€™t classify any MFā€™s as ā€˜thinā€™ being that other companies ā€˜thickā€™ are same thickness as my ā€˜regularā€™.


Well thatā€™s just great! Now I have to admit defeat to this guy and be all like ā€œyouā€™re right,and Iā€™m wrong!ā€

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I have 2 guides that do this *to a degree - one of which in the site nav:

Longer version

Shorter Version


Went ahead and added this info to each formula page as well - wwhhhyyyy not


Well I find that helpful anyway! :+1:


I use strings of various thickness, materials, lengthsā€¦ it all depends on what Iā€™m throwing and what Iā€™m working on. I went through the oh wow, I thought kitty fat was my favorite, to oh wow, I guess I like nylon best, to whoa, this zipline is the BoMb for slack tricks, you get the pic. Now I determine what string I think will work best for what Iā€™m throwing and working on, just like I do in determining which yoyo to throw. I have certain preferences for certain types of tricks, as I find learning on them makes my life a bit easier. My guess is youā€™ll wind up doing something similar as you grow and evolve as a thrower. Thanks for sharing. Nice to know Iā€™m not the only dork out here. :mask:


After using kitty string nylon for a while Iā€™m starting to like thin string more as well

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